DK Tech - Embu-Guaçu - SP

5/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact DK Tech

Address :

DK Tech - R. Boa Vista, 387 - Centro, Embu-Guaçu - SP, 06900-195, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +99
Postal code : 06900-195
Website :
Categories :

DK Tech - R. Boa Vista, 387 - Centro, Embu-Guaçu - SP, 06900-195, Brazil
Israel Felipe on Google

a tela do meo celular fiocu otima muito boa recomendo Dk tech cerviso bom e confiavel ??
the screen of meo cell phone fiocu is very good I recommend Dk tech cerviso good and reliable ??
bruxinha santos on Google

Melhor assistência técnica da região, ótimo atendimento e valor acessível
Junior Santana on Google

Fui super bem atendido, os meninos lá são bem profissionais e atenciosos e são focados em arrumar o seu problema com rapidez e qualidade. Super recomendo.
I was very well attended, the boys there are very professional and attentive and are focused on fixing your problem quickly and with quality. I highly recommend.
Alexandre Silva on Google

Ótimo atendimento, super rápido e os caras são bem sinceros em questão no que arrumar no aparelho, eu recomendo !
Great service, super fast and the guys are good sincere in question in what to arrange in the device, I recommend!
Girleide Santos on Google

Empresa super confiável e atenciosa, único lugar que resolveu o problema do meu notebook. Atendimento maravilhoso!
Jéssica Nogueira on Google

Excelentes profissionais e preço justo. Já arrumaram meu smartphone, iphone e notebook e não deu mais problema. Confio de olhos fechados!!!
Excellent professionals and fair prices. They fixed my smartphone, iphone and notebook and there was no more problem. I trust with my eyes closed!!!
Giovanna Castelli on Google

Super recomendo! Não ficam “inventando problemas” para os nossos aparelhos. Já levei celular, notebook e eles conseguiram realmente resolver o problema.
I highly recommend! They don't “invent problems” for our devices. I've already taken my cell phone, notebook and they really managed to solve the problem.
sandy waki on Google

Excelentes profissionais, são bem atenciosos e transparentes também! Recomendo de olhos fechados e só levo meus aparelhos lá ??
Excellent professionals, they are very attentive and transparent too! I recommend with my eyes closed and I only take my devices there ??

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