Americanas Express - Recife - PE

3.9/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Americanas Express

Americanas Express - R. do Giriquiti, 48 - Boa Vista, Recife - PE, 50070-010, Brazil
Vitor Maciel on Google

Apesar de ser pequena a loja possui boa variedade de produtos, mas em compensação nos corredores não passa mais de uma pessoa e são poucos caixas para o horário de pico além do atendimento demorado no caixa da loja.
Despite being small, the store has a good variety of products, but in compensation in the corridors there is no more than one person and there are few boxes for peak hours besides the long service at the store's cashier.
Hudson Santos on Google

Mal organizada, nem os funcionários conseguem encontrar nada dentro da loja. Parece que passou um furacão pela loja, tudo fora do lugar, jogados no chão, mercadorias amontoadas em todos os lugares. Obs., Acredito ser uma determinação de toda a Rede, pois venho observando que todas as lojas vem seguindo esse PADRÃO de desorganização
Poorly organized, not even the employees can find anything inside the store. It looks like a hurricane passed through the store, all out of place, thrown on the floor, goods piled up everywhere. Obs., I believe it is a determination of the entire Chain, because I have been observing that all the stores have been following this pattern of disorganization
Raphael França on Google

Loja terrivelmente apertada, a distância entre uma prateleira e outra é mínima. Muitas vezes a loja está tão lotada que não há possibilidade de entrar. A fila dos caixas é demorada e o atendimento é lento. A loja não suporta a demanda criada pelos frequentadores do shopping.
Store terribly tight, the distance between one shelf and another is minimal. Often the store is so crowded that there is no possibility of entering. The checkout line takes a long time and the service is slow. The store does not support the demand created by mall goers.
Cleize Correia on Google

comprei um celular para dar de presente a minha neta apois tres dias coloquei o celular para carregar e ele nao dava sinal de vida, levei para loja para perguntar o que estava acontecendo e o supervisor muito bruto cavalo dando coice disse que eu tinha que levar para assistencia , eu levei a nota e disse que fazia tres dias de comprado e que queria trocar pq estava com defeito mais o cavalo disse que era problema meu e que eu teria de ir na assistencia. pois bem fui e la a assistencia informou que o celular estava todo oxidado e a Motorola me deu um laudo dizendo que o celular nunca foi usado e que estava oxidado e mandou eu voltar para a loja onde eu havia comprado e nova mente eu fui e nova mente o cavalo disse que eu tinha que pagar o concerto pq nao tinha mas garantia E QUE EU ME VIRASSE, A GERENTE UMA PESSOA EDUCADA DISSE E ME GARANTIU QUE EU NAO IRIA PERDER POIS O CELULAR FOI 1.399,00 E SO TINHA 7 DIAS DE USO DEPOIS DA ASSISTENCIA QUE FICOU COM ELE 4 DIAS DANDO UM TOTAL DE 7 DIAS. O ATENDIMENTO E PISEMO O SUPERVISOU DEVERIA ESTA NA COCHEIRA . E NADA RESOLVEU ATE AGORA E TEM MAIS O VENDEDOR COM O NOME DE RAFAEL E OUTRO BICHO NAO RESPEITOU ATE MINHA IDADE DE 67 ANOS A GERENTE ME LIGOU DEPOIS DE 9 DIAS E DISSE QUE NAO TINHA JEITO QUE ELA NAO PODIA FAZER NADA ENTAO MINHA GENTE NAO COMPRE CELULAR NAS LOJAS AMERICANAS NAO COMPRE VCS VAO PERDER O DINHEIRO NAO COMPRE ALI SO TEM BICHO NAO COMPREM VOU FICAR NA PORTA DIZENDO ISSO A TODO MUNDO QUE ENTRAR LA NAO COMPREM CELULAR LA NAO COMPREM MEU NOME É CLEIZE E A GERENTE TEM MEU NUMERO DE TELEFONE SE QUISEREM COMPRAR PERGUNTE A ELA QUE ELA VAI DIZER O Q ACONTECEU COM A VELHA AQUI SE EU FOSSE UM HOMEM NAO TERIA ACONTECIDO
I bought a cell phone to give my granddaughter a gift for three days, I put the cell phone to charge and it showed no sign of life, I took it to the store to ask what was going on and the super rough horse kicker said I had to take it to assistance, I took the note and said that it was three days since I bought it and that I wanted to change it because it was defective but the horse said it was my problem and that I would have to go to the assistance. well I went and there the assistance informed that the cell phone was all oxidized and Motorola gave me a report saying that the cell phone was never used and that it was oxidized and sent me back to the store where I had bought it and again I went and new the horse said that I had to pay for the concert because I had no guarantee but that I turned around, the manager an educated person said and assured me that I would not lose because the cell phone was 1,399.00 and I had only 7 days of use AFTER THE ASSISTANCE THAT WAS WITH HIM 4 DAYS GIVING A TOTAL OF 7 DAYS. THE SERVICE AND TISEMO SUPERVISADO SHOULD BE THIS IN THE COACH. AND NOTHING SOLVED UNTIL NOW AND HAS MORE THE SELLER WITH THE NAME OF RAFAEL AND ANOTHER BITCH DIDN'T RESPECT UNTIL MY 67 YEARS OLD THE MANAGER CALLED ME AFTER 9 DAYS AND SAID THAT HE HAD NO WAY HE COULD NOT DO THIS MY PEOPLE BUY MOBILE IN AMERICAN STORES DO NOT BUY YOU WILL LOSE MONEY DO NOT BUY THERE HAVE BUG DO NOT BUY I WILL STAY AT THE DOOR SAYING THIS TO EVERYONE THAT ENTERING IT DOES NOT BUY MOBILE IT DOES NOT BUY MY NAME IS CLEIZE AND GENDER ME IF YOU WANT TO BUY ASK THE SHE WHO SHE WILL SAY WHAT HAPPENED TO THE OLD HERE IF I WERE A MAN WOULD NOT HAVE HAPPENED
Dayana Matias on Google

Péssimo! Fui pagar a fatura do cartão Lojas americanas e dei uma cédula de 50 reais que tinha acabado de sacar do banco 24hs. Porém a cédula que recebi do banco estava rasgando e o atendente não quis receber. Informou ao supervisor do local e ele disse q o banco itau deles n aceita, sendo que essa cédula tinha sacado no 24hs pelo banco itau. Questionei ele, mesmo assim não quis receber a cédula. Em seguida, fui na loterica do lado pagar uma conta e dei essa msm cédula a mulher do caixa e ela aceitou tranquilamente e nem questionou. Achei um absurdo, pois oq estava rasgado era insignificante. A cédula não estava rasgada na numeração, estava nova ainda. Tirei foto da cédula p colocar aqui, mas parece q não tem como.
Terrible! I went to pay my Lojas Americanas card bill and gave a 50 reais bill that I had just withdrawn from the bank 24 hours a day. But the bank note I received from the bank was tearing and the clerk did not want to receive it. She informed the supervisor of the place and he said that their bank itau would not accept it, and that banknote had been withdrawn within 24 hours by the bank itau. I questioned him, even so he didn't want to receive the ballot. Then, I went to the lottery next door to pay a bill and I gave this msm bill to the woman at the cashier and she calmly accepted and didn't even question. I thought it was absurd, because what was torn was insignificant. The ballot was not torn in number, it was still new. I took a photo of the ballot p to put here, but it seems there is no way.
Sarha Cavalcanti on Google

Americanas pequena mas com tudo. Ótimo.
American small but with everything. Excellent.
Marcos Neto on Google

Loja com teto morfado e muito desorganizada.
Shop with morphed ceiling and very disorganized.
Lucas Adrn on Google


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