4.4/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

AUTO POSTO MRP LTDA - Av. Cap. João, 2286 - Vila Nossa Sra. das Vitorias, Mauá - SP, 09360-120, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +988
Postal code : 09360-120
Website :
Categories :

AUTO POSTO MRP LTDA - Av. Cap. João, 2286 - Vila Nossa Sra. das Vitorias, Mauá - SP, 09360-120, Brazil
Jhonatan De almeida on Google

Gasolina ruim amigo nosso abasteceu veículo logo depois carro ficou falhando fraco em fim combustível de atitude suspeita não recomendável.
Bad gasoline friend of ours refueled vehicle soon after car was failing weak in end fuel of suspicious attitude not recommended.
Raul Silva de Freitas on Google

Posto boca de porco vende combustível adulterado meu pai abasteceu neste posto e o veículo ficou ruim de funcionar falhando fomos a oficina mecânica e constatou combustível adulterado tá louco
Pork mouth gas station sells adulterated fuel my father filled up at this station and the vehicle was bad to work failing we went to the mechanic shop and found adulterated fuel is crazy
Renata Melo de Angelis Lemos on Google

Carro do meu filho teve que ir ao mecânico depois do abastecimento, retirou toda a gasolina , e só assim voltou a funcionar normalmente, péssimo posto, vou acionar os órgãos fiscalizadores
My son's car had to go to the mechanic after refueling, he removed all the gasoline, and only then did it work normally again, bad gas station, I'm going to call the supervisory bodies
Cortes on Google

Semana passada abasteci meu carro, com gasolina, andei 10 km e meu carro começou a falhar, levei no mecânico e ele teve que tirar toda gasolina, parecia água suja, nunca mais passo perto desse posto.......
Last week I filled my car with gas, I drove 10 km and my car started to fail, I took it to the mechanic and he had to take all the gas, it looked like dirty water, I never go near this station again.......
Gabriel Inocencio on Google

Posto top, gasolina excelente, sempre muito bem atendido pelos funcionarios. Estou abastecendo ai pelo menos 6 meses direto, sem o que reclamar.
Top station, excellent gasoline, always very well attended by the employees. I've been supplying there for at least 6 months straight, with no complaints.
Miguel De Angelis on Google

Abasteci meu carro semana passada e tive um baita de um problema, consegui somente chegar na garagem de casa, no outro dia foi direto para concessionária, e lá foi constatado que era o combustível, tinha água no álcool, posto de péssima qualidade..........
I filled up my car last week and I had a hell of a problem, I only managed to get to the garage at home, the other day I went straight to the dealership, and there it was found that it was the fuel, there was water in the alcohol, a poor quality gas station... .......
Jean Silva on Google

Samuel Apolion Benevenuto on Google


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