Dom Neco Restaurante - Itanhaém - SP

4.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Dom Neco Restaurante

Address :

Dom Neco Restaurante - Av. Pres. Vargas, 567 - Centro, Itanhaém - SP, 11740-000, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +
Postal code : 11740-000
Categories :

Dom Neco Restaurante - Av. Pres. Vargas, 567 - Centro, Itanhaém - SP, 11740-000, Brazil
Khetellen Dionisio on Google

Ontem dia 16/01/2022 estávamos procurando um lugar pra almoçar na cidade, sempre gostamos do ZAQUEU na boca da barra (quem conhece sabe) porem estava muito cheio, cheio mesmo, ai passando pela orla, avistamos esse DOM NECO, gente que decepção, entramos lá e ninguém notou a nossa presença, não sei se pq, os demais estavam bem vestidos ou a gente que na visão deles não estávamos adequado, ou até mesmo que não iriamos gastar nada, enfim, não sei qual critérios usam. Ficamos por minutos aguardando um atendimento e ninguém apareceu, isso que o restaurante estava só com 3 mesas ocupadas, o garçom passava do nosso lado e fazia vista grossa, não tiveram a coragem de passar um pano na mesa que estava suja, enfim pra completar chegou uma família creio que são conhecidos e rapidamente já foram atendidos e passando álcool na mesa, cardápio na mão e tudo. Enfim meu marido disse que não era pra chamar nenhum garçom, pra ver até quando iriam demorar pra nos atender, como demorou demais, levantamos e fomos embora, já na porta a garçonete veio atrás, pedindo desculpas e perguntando se a gente já tínhamos sido atendidos, falei algumas palavra e fomos embora. FOI A PRIMEIRA E ULTIMA VEZ.
Yesterday, 01/16/2022, we were looking for a place to have lunch in the city, we always like ZAQUEU at the mouth of the bar (those who know it know) but it was very full, really full, there, passing by the edge, we saw this DOM NECO, people what a disappointment , we went in there and no one noticed our presence, I don't know if because, the others were well dressed or people who in their view were not suitable, or even that we would not spend anything, anyway, I don't know what criteria they use. We stayed for minutes waiting for a service and no one showed up, because the restaurant was only with 3 tables occupied, the waiter passed by our side and turned a blind eye, they didn't have the courage to pass a cloth on the table that was dirty, finally, it arrived a family, I think they are known and they were quickly attended to, passing alcohol on the table, menu in hand and everything. Finally, my husband said not to call a waiter, to see how long they would take to serve us, as it took too long, we got up and left, already at the door the waitress came after us, apologizing and asking if we had already been served. , I said a few words and we left. IT WAS THE FIRST AND LAST TIME.
Raquel Linhares on Google

Muito bom restaurante. Bolinho de bacalhau beeeem gostoso. Comeria 10 facilmente. Pedi o Mignon com mostarda e estava ótimo. Só sugeriria que o molho de mostarda fosse mais espesso. Como estava fluido, acabou empapando as batatas fritas e o arroz. Também achei os preços um pouco carinhos... R$65,00 o prato individual.
Very good restaurant. Cod cod muffin beeee yummy. I would eat 10 easily. I ordered the Mignon with mustard and it was great. I would only suggest that the mustard sauce was thicker. As it was fluid, it ended up soaking the chips and rice. I also found the prices a little tender... R$65.00 the individual dish.
Edilson Junior on Google

Vanderlei Martinez on Google

The Zés Nacionais e internacionais on Google

Alex Figueiredo Jr. on Google

Etecc Net
ana maria nenhum on Google

Thabata Regiani on Google

Great high quality food combined with a great location and ambiance, topped with great service! We have been to Dom Neco a couple of times, and were surprised by the quality. The Risotto Al Funghi is a big highlight on the menu, as is the Limonada Suíça. Very tasty. Will definitely return!

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