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Address :

DUARTE REBOQUE EM AFOGADOS-AquitemPE - Estr. dos Remédios, 1262 - Afogados, Recife - PE, 50770-120, Brazil

Postal code : 50770-120
Website : http://aquitempe.com/clientes/duarte-reboque-venda-e-locacao-de-baterias-e-reboques-em-afogados-recife
Categories :

DUARTE REBOQUE EM AFOGADOS-AquitemPE - Estr. dos Remédios, 1262 - Afogados, Recife - PE, 50770-120, Brazil

Não recomendo, proprietário super mal educado e enrolão. Liguei para o mesmo as 8:15h da manhã e me disse que era R$ 30,00 a menor aí falei que estava a caminho sendo que ele disse que iria sair rapidinho e voltava logo fiquei aguardando até às 9:20h e quando chegou não deu nem um bom dia e mandou tirar o carro de frente a loja ao lado, prontamente retirei o carro e quando fui pegar a carrocinha disse que não tinha da pequena e só dá grande que era R$ 40,00 aí questionei sobre o que ele falou por telefone e o mesmo disse que tinha alugado e que se eu quisesse tinha que pegar a que ele estava cedendo, detalhe estepe solto dentro da carroça, e porta amarrada com cordão. Enfim me senti lesado e só peguei com ele porque tinha hora marcada e já estava atrasado e não sabia de outro local que alugasse próximo, e detalhe quando retornei nem um obrigado me deu.
I do not recommend it, super rude and rude owner. I called the same at 8: 15h in the morning and told me it was R $ 30.00 the lowest then I said I was on my way and he said he would leave quickly and come back soon I was waiting until 9: 20h and when he arrived no it wasn’t even a good day and had the car taken off in front of the store next door, I promptly removed the car and when I went to get the cart I said I didn’t have the small one and only the big one was R $ 40.00 then I asked about what it he spoke on the phone and he said he had rented it and that if I wanted to, I had to get the one he was giving in, spare spare detail inside the cart, and a door tied with string. Anyway, I felt hurt and I only caught him because he had an appointment and was already late and I didn't know of another place to rent nearby, and when I returned I didn't even have a thank you.

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