Escola Cristã - Piedade - Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE

4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Escola Cristã - Piedade

Address :

Escola Cristã - Piedade - R. Cândido Ferreira, 939 - Piedade, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54400-100, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +8998
Postal code : 54400-100
Website :
Categories :

Escola Cristã - Piedade - R. Cândido Ferreira, 939 - Piedade, Jaboatão dos Guararapes - PE, 54400-100, Brazil
Júlio Pohlmann on Google

Lizandra Oliveira on Google

Monnyke Kelly on Google

Cynthia Lima on Google

Tanya Marise on Google

Fernanda on Google

Acolhe muito bem as crianças.
It welcomes children very well.
Elane França on Google

Escola de alto padrão é ótimo ensino. Se trata de um anexo da escola cristã em boa viagem. Possui piscina, espaço de lazer, salas diferenciadas. Entrando na "pista nova" sentindo Av Armindo moura, sobra a primeira a rua tem placa da escola.
High standard school is great teaching. It is an annex of the Christian school in good travel. It has a swimming pool, leisure space, differentiated rooms. Entering the "new lane" feeling Av Armindo moura, the first one on the right is left ... on the street there is a school sign.
Gabriele Captein Oliveira on Google

pessima escola. minha filha estudou com 3 anos e meio, mas tirei ela da escola pq, apos 6 meses de aula, ela nao sabia contar nem ate o 5 sozinha, a unica coisa q ela aprendeu foi 1 milhao de musicas e o personagem de todos os desenhos infantis e escrever a letra A. troquei ela de escola e com 3 meses em outra escola ela aprendeu AEIOU de forma e cursivo, conta e escreve ate o 10 sozinha. quando sai da escola comuniquei que gostaria de receber de volta o material escolar dela mas a escola o passou pra outra aluna que nao tinha. fiquei 2 meses correndo atras da devolucao dos livros que eu havia comprado e nada. e o detalhe e que esses livros todos me custaram mais de 550 reais. prejuizao que a escola comecou a me pagar de volta mas nao terminou. mando mil msg mas cada hora uma pessoa diferente me responde e diz q vai olhar e nada. cansei. detestei o ensino, a organizacao, e tudo mais. ficaram quase 4 meses me dizendo q o bale iniciaria na semana seguinte... nada funciona. super enrolados e irresponsaveis. mas quando minha filha espirrava em sala de aula ou cocava e ficava com olhos vermelhinhos (pq a escola fica numa rua de terra e as salas sao todas abertas entao as criancas comem poeira o dia todo) eles tao rapidamente me ligavam e pedia que a buscasse pq ela estava doente, mas o detalhe e que ela nao apresentava febre nem nada. a maioria dos pais que elogia o faz pq se ilude com as mil roupinhas e fantasias que eles pintam nas criancas e tiram fotos pro face. mas os pais nao conhecem outros padroes de ensino. sou pedagoga... so marquete. decepcionadissima e revoltada com o prejuizo. nao indico. hj pago mais barato numa escola no mesmo bairro piedade. com muito mais satisfacao e resultados reias.
bad school. my daughter studied when she was 3 and a half years old, but I took her out of school because, after 6 months of school, she didn't even know how to count until 5 alone, the only thing she learned was 1 million songs and the character of all the drawings children and write the letter A. I changed her school and with 3 months in another school she learned AEIOU in a form and cursive, counts and writes until 10 alone. when I left school I said that I would like to get her school supplies back but the school passed it on to another student who didn't have one. I was 2 months running after returning the books I had bought and nothing. and the detail and that these books all cost me more than 550 reais. damage that the school started paying me back but did not end. I send a thousand msg but every hour a different person answers me and says that he will look and nothing. I got tired. I hated teaching, organization, and everything. they were almost 4 months telling me that the ballet would start the next week ... nothing works. super tangled and irresponsible. but when my daughter sneezed in the classroom or scratched and had red eyes (because the school is on a dirt street and the rooms are all open so the children eat dust all day) they so quickly called me and asked me to look for her because she was sick, but the detail is that she did not have a fever or anything. most parents who praise do it because they are deluded by the thousand clothes and costumes they paint on the children and take pictures for the face. but parents do not know other teaching standards. I'm a pedagogue ... just a marketer. very disappointed and disgusted by the damage. I do not indicate. hj paid cheaper at a school in the same neighborhood piedade. with much more satisfaction and real results.

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