Fogo Bravon - Sorocaba - SP

2.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Fogo Bravon

Address :

Fogo Bravon - Av. Gisele Constantino, 1850 - Parque Bela Vista, Sorocaba - SP, 18048-140, Brazil

Postal code : 18048-140
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Categories :

Fogo Bravon - Av. Gisele Constantino, 1850 - Parque Bela Vista, Sorocaba - SP, 18048-140, Brazil
Cinthya Maraisa on Google

Bom vamos lá, todo mundo tá cansado de saber que quem está em shopping todo santo dia, é logista. Quem mais gasta em shopping é o logista, de verdade eu queria entender pq o atendimento nesse restaurante é tão ruim? Vcs abrem um lugar, com uma proposta ta legal, pra fechar logo ou pra ter fama ruim no shopping. Com desconto ou não, dinheiro de logista tem o mesmo valor, todas as vezes que eu fui no restaurante fui mal atendida, ou é atendente que te ignora na hora do pagamento, ou elas não estão no balcão ou não olham pra sua cara pra ver q vc tá de uniforme e já vão cobrando o valor normal, francamente brasileiro tem q ser cancelado.
Well, come on, everyone is tired of knowing that whoever is at the mall every single day is a logist. Who spends the most on shopping is the logistics, I really wanted to understand why the service in this restaurant is so bad? You guys open a place, with a cool proposal, to close soon or to have a bad reputation at the mall. With a discount or not, cash from the store has the same value, every time I went to the restaurant I was poorly attended, or the attendant ignores you when paying, or they are not at the counter or they don't look at you to see when you're in uniform and they're already charging the normal value, frankly Brazilian, it has to be cancelled.
César P018 on Google

Fogo Bravon, comida barata de péssima qualidade, não condiz com o Shopping. Coma à vontade por $ 23.90 mas tudo ruim, frango ressecado , diz que tem churrasco mas só tem carne de segunda cheia de nervos. Nunca mais! Deixei de comer na Vivenda do Camarão pelo mesmo preço e me arrependi. Pura enganação!!!
Fogo Bravon, cheap food of poor quality, does not match the mall. Eat all you want for $ 23.90 but all bad, dry chicken, says it has barbecue but only has second-class beef full of nerves. Never! I stopped eating at Vivenda do Camarão for the same price and regretted it. Pure deception!!!
Leticia Barbosa on Google

Atendimento péssimo. Fui com meu namorado tirar dúvidas sobre o cardápio e a atendente não estava no caixa, assim que chamamos, ela foi com a maior má vontade do mundo e ainda pegou o celular e ficou mandando áudio e textos na nossa frente. Nem olhou na nossa cara. Respondia como se estivesse sendo obrigada. E com vontade 0 de atender. A vontade de comer passou na hora e fomos em outro lugar no mesmo momento. O restaurante precisa rever isso, pois, perderá clientes. Nunca mais volto.
Terrible service. I went with my boyfriend to ask questions about the menu and the attendant was not at the cashier, as soon as we called, she went with the greatest ill will in the world and even took her cell phone and kept sending audio and texts in front of us. Didn't even look us in the face. He responded as if he were being forced to. And willing 0 to answer. The urge to eat passed instantly and we went somewhere else at the same time. The restaurant needs to review this, as it will lose customers. Never come back.
Vine Allmeida on Google

Se pudesse dar zero estrela, daria. Fui tão mal atendido que a vontade de comer até passou. Cheguei no local e não tinha ninguém para atender a gente, a moça do caixa estava na porta da cozinha conversando com outras funcionárias, me viu no caixa esperando para ser atendido e só depois que eu chamei 3 vezes, veio me atender. Ela ficou o tempo todo no celular e em nenhum momento olhou pra mim, foi super grosseira e sem educação. Parecia que estava ali a contra gosto atendendo os outros. Mesmo com a falta de educação, decidimos entrar para almoçar e o mal atendimento continuou, todas as perguntas que fazíamos a respeito do cardápio, quando ela queria responder, o fazia com a maior má vontade do mundo (e com o celular na mão o tempo todo digitando e mandando áudio) Desistimos de almoçar no local pela falta de respeito com que fomos tratados.
If I could give zero stars, I would. I was so poorly attended that the urge to eat even passed. I arrived at the place and there was no one to answer us, the cashier girl was at the kitchen door talking to other employees, she saw me at the cashier waiting to be answered and only after I called 3 times, she came to answer me. She was on her cell phone all the time and never looked at me, she was super rude and impolite. It seemed that he was there reluctantly attending to the others. Even with the lack of manners, we decided to go in for lunch and the bad service continued, all the questions we asked about the menu, when she wanted to answer, she did it with the greatest unwillingness in the world (and with her cell phone in her hand all the time) all typing and sending audio) We gave up having lunch at the place due to the lack of respect with which we were treated.
Erick Silva on Google

Após comer lá e voltar aqui para ver as avaliações, tiro algumas conclusões: A atendente do caixa deve ser a dona, pois é a única explicação para ter tantos comentários negativos e nada ser mudado, pois presenciei o mesmo comportamento. Sobre a comida, realmente só irá comer uma vez, fria, carnes de péssima qualidade, mesas sujas. Falir será apenas uma consequência. Fujam e sejam felizes.
After eating there and coming back here to see the reviews, I come to some conclusions: The cashier must be the owner, as it is the only explanation for having so many negative comments and nothing being changed, as I witnessed the same behavior. About the food, you will really only eat it once, cold, poor quality meats, dirty tables. Bankruptcy will only be a consequence. Run away and be happy.
Thais Calixto on Google

Eu vim aqui pq achei a comida horrível, e queria ver se era apenas um mal dia e eu que não dei sorte, mas a crítica aqui é pesada mesmo e pelo visto não fazem questão de melhorar, nada era churrasco ali, tudo com gosto de cozido, sem tempero, comida fria, bife cru e com dor no coração deixamos 3 pratos cheios na bandeja ? olha, nem precisava ser a vontade, pq nem o que se pega da vontade de comer. Que dó! Que dó do meu bolso! 3 refeições jogadas no lixo.
I came here because I thought the food was horrible, and I wanted to see if it was just a bad day and I was unlucky, but the criticism here is really heavy and apparently they don't care to improve, nothing was barbecue there, everything tastes like cooked, without seasoning, cold food, raw steak and with a pain in the heart we left 3 full dishes on the tray ? look, it didn't even have to be the will, because or what you get from the desire to eat. What a pity! What a pity for my pocket! 3 meals thrown in the trash.
Anderson Heinrich Rabel on Google

Pior lugar que eu comi neste shopping! Entrei pra jantar com minha família antes das 20hs, não tinha mais nada pra servir, foram levados 2 bifes na minha mesa, pois como já tinha tirado arroz e o resto de algumas saladas, não pudemos devolver o prato, mesmo não tendo misturas. Nos serviram uma carne dura e crua e vários pontos, quase no total na verdade, com gosto da grelha que estava suja, pelo visto. Nunca mais volto e ainda avisei um casal que estava entrando pq mesmo eu reclamando, mantiveram aberto sem ter o quê servir.
Worst place I've ever eaten in this mall! I went in for dinner with my family before 8 pm, there was nothing else to serve, 2 steaks were taken to my table, as I had already removed rice and the rest of some salads, we couldn't return the dish, even though we didn't have any mixtures. We were served a tough, raw meat and several stitches, almost completely in fact, with the taste of the grill, which was apparently dirty. I never go back and I even warned a couple who was coming in because even I was complaining, they kept it open without having anything to serve.
Lucas Destro on Google

Pior lugar que eu já comi, toda a comida é fria, apenas uma opção de carne e não tem guardanapo de boca. Uma vergonha
Worst place I have ever eaten, all food is cold, only one meat option and no mouth napkin. A shame

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