Ingá stone - PB - Ingá - PB

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Contact Ingá stone - PB

Address :

Ingá stone - PB - S/N Rodovia, PB-090 - Zona Rural, Ingá - PB, 58380-000, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +89987
Postal code : 58380-000
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Ingá stone - PB - S/N Rodovia, PB-090 - Zona Rural, Ingá - PB, 58380-000, Brazil
Jessica Juarez on Google

Incrível! Simplesmente um lugar fantástico uma energia muito louca ! Amamos conhecer um lugar como esse! Uma conexão muito grande. Incrível.
Amazing! Just a fantastic place, crazy energy! We love visiting a place like this! A very big connection. Amazing.
Carolina Rehling Gonçalo on Google

É um sítio arqueológico com Itacoatiaras, ou seja inscrições rupestres feitas na rocha, em baixo relevo. É um local incrível e possui um pequeno museu. É de difícil acesso para quem está visitando a capital do estado, João Pessoa, ou as cidades próximas como Campina Grande, a melhor forma de visitar é alugando um carro ou contratando um taxi particular que possa fazer o translado e esperar o tempo da visitação.
It is an archeological site with Itacoatiaras, that is, cave inscriptions made in the rock, in low relief. It's an amazing place and has a small museum. It is difficult to access for those visiting the state capital, João Pessoa, or nearby cities such as Campina Grande, the best way to visit is by renting a car or hiring a private taxi that can make the transfer and wait for the visitation time.
Henrique Acioli on Google

Um local de fácil acesso, muito tranquilo de se chegar. Ao chegar no local encontra-se uma estrutura onde neste fica parte de ADM, banheiros, museu e loja para artesanato. Os guias foram super solícitos, onde consequentemente souberam explicar muito bem sobre toda a história da pedra. Entretanto, saiba que o serviço é contrato, onde custou R$5,00 por pessoa. Após o passeio mais próximo a pedra, volta-se para a estrutura e lá é possível ter mais uma outra visita no museu, onde está custará R$5,00 por pessoa também, onde o funcionário explicará tudo sobre. No local encontra-se diversos fósseis, e resquícios da antiguidade local, o que acaba tornando o passeio muito mais interessante e cultural. Ao falar com os guias é possível contratar posteriormente serviços de trilhas, o que aparenta ser bem interessante. A lojinha é bem simples, porém funcional, recomendo levar alguma lembrança para ajudar na economia local além de que fica a memória pra ti e chance de explicar as visitar que chegarão e perguntarão sobre o objeto. Entretanto, me decepcionou o banheiro não ter sabonete e papel, achei bem ruim, ainda mais numa Pandemia. Vale complementar que há uma outra lojinha, esta fora da estrutura de uma pessoa física distinta, os preços nela são mais baratos, e está chega vender até alguns livros sobre a região. Recomendo passar lá também. Enfim, fica toda a recomendação de se passar para visitar a Pedra do Ingá, um passeio rápido e cultural que valerá muito a pena para sua família.
A place with easy access, very quiet to get to. Upon arriving at the site, there is a structure where part of the ADM, restrooms, museum and craft shop are located. The guides were super helpful, where they consequently knew how to explain very well about the entire history of the stone. However, know that the service is a contract, where it cost R$5.00 per person. After the walk closer to the stone, return to the structure and there you can have another visit to the museum, where it will cost R$5.00 per person as well, where the employee will explain everything about it. At the site there are several fossils, and remains of local antiquity, which ends up making the tour much more interesting and cultural. When talking to the guides, it is possible to hire trail services later, which seems to be very interesting. The shop is very simple, but functional, I recommend taking some souvenirs to help with the local economy, as well as the memory for you and the chance to explain the visitors who will arrive and ask about the item. However, I was disappointed that the bathroom didn't have soap and paper, I thought it was pretty bad, especially in a pandemic. It is worth complementing that there is another small store, this one outside the structure of a different natural person, the prices are cheaper, and it is even selling some books about the region. I recommend going there too. Finally, all the recommendation is to stop by to visit Pedra do Ingá, a quick and cultural tour that will be very worthwhile for your family.
Hemmerson Rodrigo on Google

O Lugar é lindo e com uma vista maravilhosa, mas precisa de cuidados. A experiência visual e sonora é realmente inesquecível. O som das águas daquele rio é a trilha perfeita para aquele cenário fascinante e único. Nos faz voltar no tempo.
The place is beautiful and with a wonderful view, but it needs care. The visual and sound experience is truly unforgettable. The sound of the waters of that river is the perfect trail for that fascinating and unique scenery. It takes us back in time.
steven Hurrell on Google

Excellent site and beautiful scenery :)
Carlos Coimbra on Google

Great exposure to a significant Northeastern Brazilian prehistoric landmark. As an anthropologist, I found worth visiting it.
Edward Delfino on Google

The Ingá Stone is located in the middle of the Ingá River in the small Brazilian city of Ingá (know you know how it got its name). What is it? It’s a rock formation that is covered with petroglyphs (or stone picture carvings). The prehistoric carvings were done over time and the most recent additions may have been added as recently as the 18th Century—all done by local native tribes. The meaning and/or purpose of these carvings is unknown and undeciphered. Some of the carvings resemble animals, fruits, the Orion Constellation and other less-easily distinguishable figures. The carvings are also known as the Itacoatiara do Ingá (pronounced: “EEta- cwa – tiara”), which is the name in the Tupi language of the original natives. “Ita” means stone and “coatiara” means picture. This is not the only such site with carvings in this part of Brazil, but it is one of the biggest. Still, when we visited, there was nobody here. The northeast of Brazil is less-visited by tourists than the south; this site sits 100 kilometers (60 miles) from the capital of the state, so that also contributes to the lack of tourism, but that’s good for you if you do go! To get there, the roads aren’t bad and you can find it on your Waze or Google Maps. I was really impressed with this site and I was very glad I visited. If you’re anywhere near here, you really should come visit.
Aku Rosenqvist on Google

A place with a lot of historical value and barely nobody knows about... Simple but totally worth visiting

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