Pousada Bela Vista - Lençóis - BA
based on 8 reviews
Contact Pousada Bela Vista
Address : | Pousada Bela Vista - R. Alto do Cajueiro, 27 - Centro, Lençóis - BA, 41960-000, Brazil |
Phone : | 📞 +7997 |
Postal code : | 41960-000 |
Website : | http://pousadabelavistalencois.com/ |
Categories : |
Description : | Simply furnished rooms, some with balconies & rural views, in a casual guesthouse offering a lounge. |

José Daniel Campos on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Nossa hospedagem foi excelente. O staff é muito atencioso
Our lodging was excellent. The staff is very attentive
wallace orrico on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Pousada em local ruim, as fotos não condins com o local. Ar condicionado não funciona
Hostel in bad location, photos do not match the location. Air conditioning does not work
Diego Nakama on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Fomos muito bem recebidos pelo Cassiano e pela Lane que nos preparou um excelente café da manhã.
We were very well received by Cassiano and Lane who prepared us a great breakfast.
Francine Santos do Couto on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Pousada maravilhosa, aconchegante e muito confortável! Os donos são pessoas excelentes, sabem como ninguém tratar o hóspede!
Wonderful Pousada, cozy and very comfortable! The owners are excellent people, they know how to treat the guest!
Gilliard Alan on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Super aconchegante, a dona Vanessa foi mto cuidadosa, atenciosa e carinhosa. Sentimo-nos em casa, adorei a estadia.
Super cozy, Mrs. Vanessa was very careful, caring and caring. We felt at home, loved the stay.
Andre W on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Die Unterkunft ist sehr alt und einfach eingerichtet. Es war sehr stickig da keine Klimaanlage zur Verfügung stand (lediglich Ventilator). Die Zimmer waren so klein, dass man sich kaum drehen konnte und kaum Platz für unsere Sachen hatten. Das Personal sprach kein Englisch waren aber bemüht mit Google Translate zu erklären.
The accommodation is very old and simply furnished. It was very stuffy as no air conditioning was available (fan only). The rooms were so small that you could hardly turn and hardly had space for our things. The staff did not speak English but tried hard to explain with Google Translate.
Jasmin Schuster on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Ganz arg tolle Unterkunft mit super netten und hilfsbereiten Besitzern!
Sehr leckeres Frühstück mit lokalen Spezialitäten und leckeren Kuchen - besonderes Highlight war der Maniok-Cocos-Kuchen!! Und gute Tapioka zum Frühstück!
Kleines aber sehr sauberes Zimmer und tolle Aussicht vom Balkon!
Sehr zu empfehlen!! Gastfreundschaft wird hier ganz groß geschrieben! Immer wieder gerne ?
Really great accommodation with super nice and helpful owners!
Very tasty breakfast with local specialties and delicious cakes - the special highlight was the manioc and coconut cake! And good tapioca for breakfast!
Small but very clean room and great view from the balcony!
We recommend!! Hospitality is very important here! Always happy ?
Daniela Regiane on Google
★ ★ ★ ★ ★ Estive em Lençóis no período de 17/10 a 24/10/18 para conhecer a Chapada da Diamantina. Depois de muitas pesquisas avaliando o custo e benefício optei pela Pousada Bela Vista e foi muito bem acertada. É uma pousada simples, porém aconchegante, cama limpinha para o descanso após um dia de passeio, chuveiro ótimo, escolhi quarto com ar condicionado e com uma sacada ao qual usava para secar roupas, tênis. Os donos são muito hospitaleiros, sempre solícitos em tudo o que precisasse. Café da manhã preparado com muito carinho. Adorei estar nesta pousada.
I was in Lençóis in the period from October 17 to October 24 to know the Chapada da Diamantina. After much research evaluating the cost and benefit I chose Pousada Bela Vista and it was very well done. It is a simple but cozy inn, clean bed for rest after a day of walking, great shower, I chose room with air conditioning and with a balcony that used to dry clothes, sneakers. The owners are very hospitable, always helpful in everything they need. Breakfast prepared with much affection. I loved being at this inn.
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