Rowan Vilar - Ortodontia, Estética e Implantes - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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Contact Rowan Vilar - Ortodontia, Estética e Implantes

Address :

Rowan Vilar - Ortodontia, Estética e Implantes - R. Visc. de Pirajá, 303 - Sala 709 - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22410-001, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +98888
Postal code : 22410-001
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Rowan Vilar - Ortodontia, Estética e Implantes - R. Visc. de Pirajá, 303 - Sala 709 - Ipanema, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22410-001, Brazil
Raquel Medeiros on Google

O Dr. Rowan é um excelente profissional, tem um carinho enorme por seus pacientes e procura sempre sanar todas as nossas dúvidas. Tive experiência anteriores com outros dentistas e infelizmente não fui feliz. Atualmente estou fazendo meu tratamento com o Dr. Rowan e minha expectativa para o resultado final está enorme, pois confio no seu trabalho e profissionalismo.
Dr. Rowan is an excellent professional, has a great affection for his patients and always tries to answer all our doubts. I had previous experience with other dentists and unfortunately was not happy. I am currently undergoing my treatment with Dr. Rowan and my expectation for the end result is enormous as I trust in his work and professionalism.
Patrícia Mendes on Google

Excelente profissional! Eu estava buscando um dentista que pudesse me ajudar com os inúmeros problemas odontológicos que eu tinha: necessidade de trocar um implante, clareamento, trocar obturações, e o Dr Rowan foi super paciente para escutar todo o meu looongo caso e pensar numa solução que fosse adequada para mim dentro das minhas condições. Eu moro no exterior e, por isso, tudo fica um pouquinho mais complicado, mas isso não foi impedimento para a seriedade e competência do Dr. Rowan. Hoje seguimos fazendo o tratamento e já sei que o resultado vai ser o que eu estou buscando. Recomendo!!!
Excellent professional! I was looking for a dentist who could help me with the many dental problems I had: need to change an implant, whiten, change fillings, and Dr Rowan was super patient to listen to all my looongo case and think of a suitable solution. for me within my conditions. I live abroad, so everything gets a little more complicated, but that was no deterrent to Dr. Rowan's seriousness and competence. Today we keep doing the treatment and I already know that the result will be what I am looking for. I recommend!!!
Ana Lucietto on Google

Eu sempre tive mede de ir ao dentista até que encontrei o Rowan, ele passa tanta calma e segurança que cheguei a cochilar em uma consulta. Atendimento dele e sua equipe é simplesmente fantástico, ele se preocupa com todos os detalhes, desde a sua chegada ao consultório, se a temperatura da sala está boa pra vc (sim, ele passa calor quando estou com frio), se a coluna está doendo nos tratamentos mais demorados. Ano passado inicie um tratamento de troca de restaurações e melhora estética do sorriso. Ele deu as opções e escolhemos o melhor tratamento pro meu caso, que foi a colocação de facetas de resina em alguns dentes, pois alguns eram muitos pequenos e desproporcionais. Fiquei com medo de ficarem grandes, mas o Rowan realmente sabe o que está fazendo, ele é perfeccionista, e o resultado ficou incrível, super natural. Eu amei e estou sorrindo bem mais desde então. E agora mantemos as consultas períodicas de manutenção e cuidados gerais. Só tenho a agradecer. Recomendo para todo tipo de tratamento que ele se propõe a fazer.
I was always afraid to go to the dentist until I found Rowan, he is so calm and safe that I even dozed off in an appointment. Service from him and his team is just fantastic, he cares about all the details, since his arrival at the office, if the room temperature is good for you (yes, he gets hot when I'm cold), if the spine is hurting in the longest treatments. Last year, start a treatment to replace restorations and improve the smile's aesthetic. He gave us the options and we chose the best treatment for my case, which was the placement of resin veneers on some teeth, as some were too small and disproportionate. I was afraid of getting big, but Rowan really knows what he's doing, he's a perfectionist, and the result was incredible, super natural. I loved it and I've been smiling a lot more since then. And now we have periodic maintenance and general care appointments. I can only thank you. I recommend it for every type of treatment he proposes to do.
Luiz Eduardo Bordim on Google

O tratamento com o Dr. Rowan não poderia ter sido melhor. Ele sempre foi muito atencioso, assim como toda sua equipe. Fui para fazer o tratamento com Invisalign, mas ele fez um checkup inicial completo e identificamos outros pontos que precisavam ser ajustados, até para que o Invisalign funcionasse melhor. Não é o tipo de dentista que não liga para o paciente, muito pelo contrário. Também sempre foi muito pontual em suas consultas. O resultado final do tratamento foi ótimo, melhor do que o esperado. Super recomendo!
The treatment with Dr. Rowan couldn't have been better. He was always very attentive, as was his entire team. I went for Invisalign treatment, but he did a complete initial checkup and we identified other points that needed to be adjusted, even for Invisalign to work better. He's not the type of dentist who doesn't care about the patient, quite the opposite. He was also very punctual in his appointments. The end result of the treatment was great, better than expected. I highly recommend!
Lorena Cardoso on Google

Eu farei um relato um pouco longo porque a minha experiência com o Rowan foi - e continua sendo - um exemplo do que todo paciente odontológico deveria ter acesso. Eu possuo uma doença genética rara que afeta o esmalte dos dentes, a Amelogênese Imperfeita, e também possuía excesso de osso nas arcadas superior e inferior, associados a um excesso de tecido gengival. Ou seja, meu caso complexo exigia uma equipe multidisciplinar, que desse conta da etapa cirúrgica na minha gengiva e , depois, fosse capaz de conduzir uma reabilitação oral total em 28 dentes. Rowan não só aceitou meu caso complicado - que havia sido recusado por outros profissionais- como também prestou o atendimento mais profissional e empático que eu já vi na minha vida. Rowan e sua equipe trataram de absolutamente tudo, fiquei quase 7 meses em tratamento (contando todas as etapas) e não houve uma vez sequer que eu tenha saído do consultório sem me sentir feliz e bem atendida (e eu costumava ficar mais de 8h por lá a cada consulta, porque o caso realmente foi difícil). Eu tive a reabilitação funcional e estética do meu sorriso, e mais do que isso, eu descobri que é possível encontrar profissionais que te incluam no processo de planejamento do tratamento, que te ouçam, que acolham suas inseguranças e respeitem a sua história, que muitas vezes envolve também questões emocionais e não só de saúde bucal. Eu recomendo o meu dentista para absolutamente todo mundo que eu conheço, ele é pontual, estudioso, tem inúmeras especializações e realmente te deixa seguro quanto ao tratamento que será feito. Um milhão de avaliações positivas!
I'm going to do a little bit of a long report because my experience with Rowan was - and continues to be - an example of what every dental patient should have access to. I have a rare genetic disease that affects tooth enamel, Amelogenesis Imperfecta, and I also had excess bone in the upper and lower arches, associated with excess gum tissue. In other words, my complex case required a multidisciplinary team that could handle the surgical stage on my gum and then be able to carry out a total oral rehabilitation on 28 teeth. Rowan not only accepted my complicated case - which had been turned down by other professionals - but also provided the most professional and empathetic care I have ever seen in my life. Rowan and her team took care of absolutely everything, I spent almost 7 months in treatment (counting all the steps) and there was not a single time that I left the office without feeling happy and well taken care of (and I used to spend more than 8 hours there at each consultation, because the case was really difficult). I had the functional and aesthetic rehabilitation of my smile, and more than that, I discovered that it is possible to find professionals who include you in the treatment planning process, who listen to you, who welcome your insecurities and respect your history, which many sometimes it also involves emotional issues and not just oral health. I recommend my dentist to absolutely everyone I know, he is punctual, studious, has numerous specializations and really makes you feel confident about the treatment that will be done. A million positive reviews!
Per on Google

So, I'm here with Mr. Vilar. Rowan Vilar, my dentist I want to talk to you about the services provided for me I've had problems with my teeth and I was in dire need of implants and needed four. I have done one in Europe before, in the United Kingdom. My name is Per, I'm from Denmark. I looked online after advice from my Danish dentist she heard I was going to Brazil. Apparently Brazilian dentists have a very good reputation around the world. So I looked online and I was lucky enough to encounter Mr. Vilar and his practice in Rio de Janeiro. One of the first things that struck me was his incredible level of English which made me immediately feel comfortable. We progressed to a first consultation on my first visit to Rio de Janeiro. We, then, decided on a treatment plan. We went again and I've just completed the last two out of four implants. During the process Mr. Vilar has been incredibly helpful, very understanding. We've had no issues whatsoever in terms of communication both written and oral. As I said his English is outstanding. I've had completed the last of two or four implants with absolutely no incidents or...very little pain as well I'm a particular type of patient. I've got a bit of anxiety when it comes to drilling in my bones and Mr. Vilar has been very good at helping me through overcome this type of anxiety. In terms of pain coverage and after treatment fantastic, fantastic all-around. His assistant has been very helpful as well. I had some issues outside the clinic, she has been very, very helpful. So all in all I would strongly recommend, warmly recommend Mr. Vilar's services to anybody from abroad looking to do dental working in Brazil come here save a bundle and and have world-class dentistry made !
EK on Google

This is a follow up to my original review which was 5 starts. It has been roughly 6 months since I came to see Dr. Rowan for gum contorting and composite veneers. The good: - Substantially cheaper than having your teeth done in the states. - Visiting Rio was amazing. - My teeth do look quite a bit better than before but the constant discomfort I've experienced since doesn't really seem worth it. - Dr. Rowan has excellent bedside manner and the entire staff is very warm and welcoming. The not so good: - I was under the impression via our virtual consult that Dr. Rowan was the one who would be conducting both the gum contouring and veneers. This is the main reason I chose him. His credentials. I didn't realize until I arrived in Rio that he actually only oversaw both procedures. I decided to proceed anyway since I'd traveled so far. - The veneers weren't fitted properly/filed enough. The backs are very rough. My bite is off and my teeth consistently catch on each other. Within the first week of having my new smile I was eating a banana, my teeth clashed and one of the veneers broke off. -The following month another one chipped. I've gotten more used to this new normal but it doesn't feel natural or normal. - My bite is completely off. Eating was an extreme challenge for the fist few months and I was getting persistent headaches. I saw a dentist in the states to see if they could grind the backs of a few teeth so my bite would fit together like it used to but they said all they could do was replace the veneer completely due to liability which would cost 1-2k per tooth. - My gums bleed constantly. I don't know if this is common with gum contouring but it's awful. The slightest touch will make them bleed. Flossing is a bloodbath. I tried flossing less and even tried taking weeks off but nothing helps. My gums are also still very sensitive and swell often. The veneers. - If I were to go back and do it again I'd also choose porcelain veneers instead of composite for a more natural look. I would post before and after pics but while i was made to sit through multiple very uncomfortable photo sessions the photos were never shared with me. Dr. Rowan really cares about his patients and is always available via whatsapp for any questions or concerns. He is beyond attentive and takes great pride in his incredible work. I cannot recommend him enough and am SO thankful I came to see him!! I will post photos when my smile is finished in a few weeks! :)
Maisy Birdsall on Google

I had 10 composite veneers along the top and bleaching along the bottom. I can not recommend Dr Rowan Vilar, Dr Gabriel Bessa and the team. A truly great experience from start to finish. They did everything in their power to ensure I was happy and comfortable including blankets, Netflix, music, snacks, drinks, air con, medication and we’re super informative throughout. There was constant communication and advice from them and I would recommend the team to anyone when they’re in Rio. As I am from England they ensured they accommodated me in my short time frame and gave me priority for appointments which were suitable for me.

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