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Referências bibliográficas
KOT, M.; DANIEL, W.A. Caffeine as a marker substrate for testing cytochrome P450 activity in human and rat. Pharmacological Reports; 60: 789-97, 2008.
DAVIS, J.M.; ZHAO, Z.; STOCK, H.S. et al. Central nervous system effects of caffeine and adenosine on fatigue. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology; 284: 399-404, 2003.
ACHESON, K.J.; GREMAUD, G.; MEIRIM, I. et al. Metabolic effects of caffeine in humans: lipid oxidation or futie cycling? Am J Clin Nutr; 79: 40- 6, 2004.
WESTERTERPPLANTENGA, M.S.; LEJEUNE, M.P.; KOVACS, E.M. Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation. Obes Res; 13(7): 1195-204, 2005.
WIERZEJSKA, R. Caffeine – common ingredient in a diet and its influence on human health. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig; 63(2): 141-7, 2012.
NAWROT, P.; JORDAN, S.; EASTWOOD, J.; ROTSTEIN, J.; HUGENHOLTZ, A.;FEELEY, M. Effects of caffeine on human health. Food Addition Contam, v. 20,n. 1, p. 1-30. Jan. 2003.
ALTIMARI, L.R., et al. Cafeína: ergogênico nutricional no esporte. Rev. Bras. Ciên. e Mov. Brasília v. 9, n. 3 ,2001.
BRASIL. Estabelece as listas de constituintes, de limites de uso, de alegações e de rotulagem complementar dos suplementos alimentares. Instrução Normativa – In N° 28, de 26 de Julho de 2018. Brasília: Anvisa, 2018.
DALL’AGNOL T.; SOUZA P.F.A. Efeitos fisiológicos agudos da taurina contida em uma bebida energética em indivíduos fisicamente ativos. Rev. Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, v.15, n.2, p.123-126, 2009.
GONZALEZ, A.M.et al.Effect of a pre-workout energy supplement on acute muti-joint resistance exercise.Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, v.10, p.261-266, 2011.
BAUMER-TROMM, C. et al. Suplementação com taurina reduz estresse oxidativo em soro após exercício excêntrico.Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, v.5, n.1, p:34-44, 2011.
EL IDRISSI, A. Taurine Regulation of Neuroendocrine Function. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1155, 2009.
EL IDRISSI, A. Taurine and brains excitability. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, v.583, p.315-322, 2006.
SANACORA, G. et al. Subtype-Specific Alterations of y-Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamatein Patients with Major Depression, Archives of general psychiatry, v.61, n.7, p.705, 2004.
CAPPELLETTI, S. et al. Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Curr Neuropharmacol., v.13, n.1, p: 71 88, 2015.
NICASTRO, H.;DATTILO, M.; ROGERO, M. M. A suplementação de L-arginina promove implicações ergogênicas no exercício físico? Evidências e considerações metabólicas. R. bras. Cie Mov. V.16,N(1),P: 115-122, 2008.
FILHO, R.F., ZILBERSTEIN, B. Óxido nítrico: o simples mensageiro percorrendo a complexidade. Metabolismo, síntese e funções. Rev Assoc Med Bras.V. 46, P: 265-271, 2000.
BAHENA-TRUJILLO,R. et al. Dopamina: síntesis, liberación y receptores en el Sistema Nervioso Central. Rev Biomed, v.11, p:39-60, 2000.
BORWICK,C. Dopamine depletion effects on cognitive flexibility as modulated by tDCS of the dlPFC. SHORT COMMUNICATION, V.13, N.1, P105-108, 2020.
OAK, J.N., OLDENHOF, J., VAN-TOL, H. The dopamine D4 receptor: one decade of research. Eur J Pharmacol 2000; 405: 303-307, 2000.
hard engage
KOT, M.; DANIEL, W.A. Caffeine as a marker substrate for testing cytochrome P450 activity in human and rat. Pharmacological Reports; 60: 789-97, 2008.
DAVIS, J.M.; ZHAO, Z.; STOCK, H.S. et al. Central nervous system effects of caffeine and adenosine on fatigue. American Journal of Physiology Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology; 284: 399-404, 2003.
ACHESON, K.J.; GREMAUD, G.; MEIRIM, I. et al. Metabolic effects of caffeine in humans: lipid oxidation or futie cycling? Am J Clin Nutr; 79: 40- 6, 2004.
WESTERTERPPLANTENGA, M.S.; LEJEUNE, M.P.; KOVACS, E.M. Body weight loss and weight maintenance in relation to habitual caffeine intake and green tea supplementation. Obes Res; 13(7): 1195-204, 2005.
WIERZEJSKA, R. Caffeine – common ingredient in a diet and its influence on human health. Rocz Panstw Zakl Hig; 63(2): 141-7, 2012.
NAWROT, P.; JORDAN, S.; EASTWOOD, J.; ROTSTEIN, J.; HUGENHOLTZ, A.;FEELEY, M. Effects of caffeine on human health. Food Addition Contam, v. 20,n. 1, p. 1-30. Jan. 2003.
ALTIMARI, L.R., et al. Cafeína: ergogênico nutricional no esporte. Rev. Bras. Ciên. e Mov. Brasília v. 9, n. 3 ,2001.
BRASIL. Estabelece as listas de constituintes, de limites de uso, de alegações e de rotulagem complementar dos suplementos alimentares. Instrução Normativa – In N° 28, de 26 de Julho de 2018. Brasília: Anvisa, 2018.
DALL’AGNOL T.; SOUZA P.F.A. Efeitos fisiológicos agudos da taurina contida em uma bebida energética em indivíduos fisicamente ativos. Rev. Brasileira de Medicina do Esporte, v.15, n.2, p.123-126, 2009.
GONZALEZ, A.M.et al.Effect of a pre-workout energy supplement on acute muti-joint resistance exercise.Journal of Sports Science & Medicine, v.10, p.261-266, 2011.
BAUMER-TROMM, C. et al. Suplementação com taurina reduz estresse oxidativo em soro após exercício excêntrico.Brazilian Journal of Biomotricity, v.5, n.1, p:34-44, 2011.
EL IDRISSI, A. Taurine Regulation of Neuroendocrine Function. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, vol 1155, 2009.
EL IDRISSI, A. Taurine and brains excitability. Advances in Experimental Medicine and Biology, v.583, p.315-322, 2006.
SANACORA, G. et al. Subtype-Specific Alterations of y-Aminobutyric Acid and Glutamatein Patients with Major Depression, Archives of general psychiatry, v.61, n.7, p.705, 2004.
CAPPELLETTI, S. et al. Caffeine: Cognitive and Physical Performance Enhancer or Psychoactive Drug? Curr Neuropharmacol., v.13, n.1, p: 71 88, 2015.
NICASTRO, H.;DATTILO, M.; ROGERO, M. M. A suplementação de L-arginina promove implicações ergogênicas no exercício físico? Evidências e considerações metabólicas. R. bras. Cie Mov. V.16,N(1),P: 115-122, 2008.
FILHO, R.F., ZILBERSTEIN, B. Óxido nítrico: o simples mensageiro percorrendo a complexidade. Metabolismo, síntese e funções. Rev Assoc Med Bras.V. 46, P: 265-271, 2000.
BAHENA-TRUJILLO,R. et al. Dopamina: síntesis, liberación y receptores en el Sistema Nervioso Central. Rev Biomed, v.11, p:39-60, 2000.
BORWICK,C. Dopamine depletion effects on cognitive flexibility as modulated by tDCS of the dlPFC. SHORT COMMUNICATION, V.13, N.1, P105-108, 2020.
OAK, J.N., OLDENHOF, J., VAN-TOL, H. The dopamine D4 receptor: one decade of research. Eur J Pharmacol 2000; 405: 303-307, 2000.
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BRANCO, L., FLOR-DE-LIMA, F., FERREIRA, C, et **Bebidas energéticas: qual a realidade na adolescência?. Acta Pediatr Port., v.48, pp. 109-117, 2017.
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SANTOS R.D., GAGLIARDI A.C.M., Xavier H.T., Magnoni C.D., Cassani R., Lottenberg A.M. et al. Sociedade Brasileira de Cardiologia. I Diretriz sobre o consumo de Gorduras e Saúde Cardiovascular. Arq Bras Cardiol, V.100,n.1,Supl.3,p:1-40, 2013.
LIMA, M.F. et al. Ácido Graxo ômega 3 docohexaenóico (DHA: C22:6 n-3) e desenvolvimento neonatal: aspectos relacionados a sua essencialidade e suplementação. Bras. Alim. Nutr. v.28:65-77, 2004.
SMOLLICH, M. Omega-3 fatty acids and brain function. Ernahrungs Umschau 62(10): 170-177, 2015.
SANGIOVANNI, J.P., CHEW, E.Y. The role of omega-3 long-chain polyunsaturated fatty acids in health and disease of the retina. Progress in Retinal and Eye Research ;24; 87-138, 2005.
OLIVERAPUEYO, J., PELEGRINVALERO, C. Prevención y tratamiento del deterioro cognitivo leve. Programa de Psicogeriatría. Servicio de Psiquiatría. Psicogeriatría , V.5,N 2,P 4555, 2015.
VAISMAN, N. et al. Correlation between changes in blood fatty acid composition and visual sustained attention performance in children with inattention: effect of dietary n−3 fatty acids containing phospholipids. The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, V. 87, n.5, , P.1170-1180, 2008.
HIRAYAMA, S. et al. Effect of phosphatidylserine administration on symptoms of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder in children. Agro Food. 17 (5): 32-36, 2006.
JAGER, R., PURPURA, M., KINGSLEY, M. Phospholipids and sports performance. J Int Soc Sports Nutr, v.4, n.5, 2007.
ARIKKETH, D., NELSON, R., VANCE, J.E. Defining the importance of phosphatidylserine synthase-1 (PSS1): unexpected viability of PSS1- deficient mice. J Biol Chem, V.283, p: 12888-12897, 2008.
BRYAN, et al. Short-Term Folate, Vitamin B-12 or Vitamin B-6 Supplementation Slightly Affects Memory Performance But Not Mood in Women of Various Ages. Nutr.,132: 1345-1356, 2002.
KENNEDY, D.O. B Vitamins and the Brain: Mechanisms, Dose and Efficacy— A Review. Nutrients, v. 8, n. 68, p. 1-29, 2016.
REMBE, J. et al. Effects of Vitamin B Complex and Vitamin C on Human Skin Cells: Is the Perceived Effect Measurable? Adv Skin Wound Care, v. 31, n. 5, p. 225-23, may 2018.
FORD, T. C. et al. The Effect of a High-Dose Vitamin B Multivitamin Supplement on the Relationship between Brain Metabolism and Blood Biomarkers of Oxidative Stress: A Randomized Control Trial. Nutrients, v. 10, n. 12 p. 1-13. 2018
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