Heart's Hospital - Natal - Natal - RN

3.7/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Heart's Hospital - Natal

Address :

Heart's Hospital - Natal - R. Cel. Auris Coelho, 235 - Lagoa Nova, Natal - RN, 59075-050, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 59075-050
Website : http://hospitaldocoracao.com.br/
Categories :

Heart's Hospital - Natal - R. Cel. Auris Coelho, 235 - Lagoa Nova, Natal - RN, 59075-050, Brazil
Monique Costa on Google

Atendimento péssimo, vai fazer 4hs que estou aqui e ficaram falando que estava aguardando o plano autorizar, quando liguei para o convênio o exame já havia sido autorizado, os atendentes completamente despreparados, atendimento horrível, estamos com 3 anos de pandemia e ainda assim suspeitas de covid estão junto aos demais pacientes, não são separados ou ao menos tem o atendimento agilizado para que saia o mais breve do meio dos outros, estou com suspeita de covid, cheia de dor e de pé para não ficar próximo aos demais pacientes
Terrible service, it's been 4 hours since I've been here and they kept saying that I was waiting for the plan to authorize, when I called the insurance company, the exam had already been authorized, the attendants completely unprepared, horrible service, we have 3 years of a pandemic and still suspicious of covid are with the other patients, they are not separated or at least they have the service speeded up so that they get out of the way as soon as possible, I have a suspicion of covid, full of pain and standing so I don't get close to the other patients
Silvia Rocha on Google

Pronto Socorro que não funciona como um. Atendimento demorado para um pronto socorro; memo nao tendo quase nenhum paciente; não sei para que serve a triagem por que coloca pra dentro de tudo.Somente 01 medico atendendo a madrugada toda; chegou uma situaçao realmente grave parou tudo. O SUS do interior funciona melhor q o pronto socorro desse hospital, experiencia propria. Alem da recepçao com má vontade. O que demonstra q não é questão de quanto se paga para os funcionarios no particular, mas a vontade de fzr o serviço acontecer!
First Aid that doesn't work as one. Delayed service to an emergency room; memo having almost no patients; I don't know what the screening is for because it puts everything inside. Only 01 doctor attending the whole night; a really serious situation arrived, everything stopped. The SUS in the countryside works better than the emergency room of this hospital, own experience. In addition to the reception with ill will. Which demonstrates that it is not a matter of how much is paid to employees in the private sector, but the desire to make the service happen!
Teacher Thays on Google

Péssimo hospital. Minha mãe foi no pronto- socorro, deram soro pra ela enquanto esperavam o resultado dos exames. Quando o soro acabou, foram tirar o acesso dela alegando que ela já estava melhor e que a demanda estava alta, por isso ele precisava liberar espaço. Não havia sequer saído resultado de exame!! Nem o médico havia dado nenhum parecer ainda!! E nem perguntaram a ela se estava melhor!! Apenas imaginaram isso e assistiram liberar espaço pra ganhar mais dinheiro. Bando de urubu!! Outra vez, chamaram o nome da minha mãe na recepção, ela estava sendo medicada, não viu e simplesmente o médico registrou que ela havia evadido do hospital. Não se deram nem ao trabalho de confirmar ??‍♀️
Terrible hospital. My mother went to the emergency room, they gave her a saline solution while they waited for the test results. When the serum ran out, they took her access away claiming that she was already better and that demand was high, so he needed to free up space. There was not even an exam result!! Not even the doctor had given any opinion yet!! And they didn't even ask her if she was better!! They just imagined it and watched it free up space to make more money. Bunch of vultures!! Another time, my mother's name was called at the reception, she was being medicated, she didn't see it and the doctor simply registered that she had escaped from the hospital. They didn't even bother to confirm ??‍♀️
Ana Ester on Google

Minha experiência foi maravilhosa! Tratamento de qualidade, sem falar no corpo médico, pessoas educadas, amorosas em fim me senti muito bem acolhida. Fui fazer uma cirurgia e muito bem assistida por todos. Em especial vou citar um nome: enfermeira Thainá, um verdadeiro anjo na vida de seus pacientes❤ uma profissional que trabalha com o coração, independente se o paciente tem plano de saúde ou não ela trata todos com o mesmo amor e cuidado. Obrigada enfermeira! É isso. Hospital do❤ grata à todos!
My experience was wonderful! Quality treatment, not to mention the medical staff, polite, loving people in the end I felt very welcomed. I went to have surgery and everyone was very well looked after. In particular, I will quote a name: nurse Thainá, a true angel in the lives of her patients ❤ a professional who works with her heart, regardless of whether the patient has health insurance or not, she treats everyone with the same love and care. Thank you nurse! That's it. ❤ Hospital grateful to all!
Enilson Elias on Google

Passamos 2 horas para sermos atendidos devido a uma suspeita de convide. Chegamos às 20:30 e às 22:30 ainda não havíamos feito o raio-x. Alegaram que só tinha um técnico para até der a demanda da urgência e UTI.
We spent 2 hours to be attended due to a suspected invite. We arrived at 20:30 and at 22:30 we still hadn't had the x-ray. They claimed that there was only one technician to even demand the emergency room and the ICU.
Artur Mafra on Google

Pior atendimento de hospital em Natal, simplesmente tinha umas 6 atendentes nos guiches, porém demorei cerca de 1:20h pra poder chamar minha ficha pra da entrada na internação, quando sou chamado dou entrada, tenho que esperar mais 6h pra poder aparecer uma vaga nos leitos, minha cirurgia atrasou, tive que ir diretamente para o centro cirúrgico. Meu acompanhante teve que ficar esperando pra poder abrir vaga em um leito, um absurdo para uma rede privada.
Worst hospital care in Natal, there were simply about 6 attendants at the counters, but it took me about 1:20h to call my form for admission to the hospital, when I am called, I enter, I have to wait another 6h for a vacancy to appear in the beds, my surgery was delayed, I had to go directly to the operating room. My companion had to wait to be able to open a space in a bed, which is absurd for a private network.
Paulino Frazão on Google

Eu tive a pior experiência da minha vida no pronto socorro, recém cirurgiado da lombrar, onde não podia ficar muito tempo em pé nem sentado, cheguei em um hospital em estado de caos, não tinham cadeiras para sentar, não tinham maqueiros para me conduzir, na recepção do hospital, não tinha um lugar para sentar, e ai que o hospital teve a brilhante ideia de colocar um painel, para os pacientes se amontoarem lá fora esperando atendimento, foram longos 1 hora e 20 de espera, mesmo eu sendo ficha preferencial, devido a minha condição, ao chegar para tomar a medicação que a médica passou, me deparo com uma FILA PARA TOMAR MEDICAMENTOS e pior, os pacientes estavam se revezando para sentar quando vagava leitos, e outros TOMANDO MEDICAÇÃO EM PÉ!!!!!! eu nunca vi tamanho absurdo, falta de ética, falta de empatia e tantos aspectos, ao falar com o enfermeiros de plantão, ele disse que eu tinha que esperar por uma vaga para a poltrona, ou tomava a medicação em PÉ!!! estou enviando tudo isso para a ANS. é DESUMANO, se vocês não estavam com condições de atender a demanda, fechassem e não receberem mais pacientes, mas para atender de forma desumana, quebrando várias leis e regras.
I had the worst experience of my life in the emergency room, recently operated on the back, where I couldn't stand or sit for a long time, I arrived at a hospital in a state of chaos, they didn't have chairs to sit on, they didn't have stretcher-bearers to lead me, at the hospital reception, there was no place to sit, and that's when the hospital had the brilliant idea of ​​putting a panel, for patients to crowd outside waiting for care, it was a long 1 hour and 20 of waiting, even though I was a preferential record , due to my condition, when I arrived to take the medication that the doctor gave me, I came across a QUEUE TO TAKE MEDICATION and worse, patients were taking turns to sit when beds were vacant, and others TAKING MEDICATION STANDING!!!!! ! I've never seen such absurdity, lack of ethics, lack of empathy and so many aspects, when talking to the nurses on duty, he said that I had to wait for a place in the armchair, or I would take the medication STANDING!!! I'm sending all this to the ANS. It's INHUMAN, if you weren't able to meet the demand, close and not receive more patients, but to attend in an inhumane way, breaking several laws and rules.
Travelling Contessa on Google

As I had a small accident while in Natal and needed a couple of stitches on my knee. I was taken to the Hospital do Curacao de Natal. I found the hospital well equipped, the medical attention very professional and cleanliness spotless. They take credit card and speak English.

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