ONOVOLAB - São Carlos - SP

4.6/5 based on 8 reviews


Address :

ONOVOLAB - R. Aquidaban, 1 - Centro, São Carlos - SP, 13560-120, Brazil

Postal code : 13560-120
Website : http://www.onovolab.com/
Categories :

ONOVOLAB - R. Aquidaban, 1 - Centro, São Carlos - SP, 13560-120, Brazil
Fabio Fontana de Souza on Google

Espaço que está sendo revitalizado para fomentar inovações tecnológicas
Space being revitalized to foster technological innovations
Mariana Groppa on Google

Um lugar que tinha tudo para dar certo, mas a estrutura é horrível... Dias de chuvas são tristes (tanto quanto alagamento quanto goteiras pingando em cima dos computadores). O estacionamento já era ruim, agora é ruim e PAGO!
A place that had everything to work out, but the structure is horrible ... Rainy days are sad (as much as flooding and drips dripping onto computers). Parking was bad, now it's bad and PAY!
Vinicius Micali on Google

ONOVOLAB tem gerado oportunidades e mudado a vida de muitas pessoas em São Carlos, por meio de um trabalho excepcional.
ONOVOLAB has created opportunities and changed the lives of many people in São Carlos through exceptional work.
kayke silva girotto on Google

Se Vc tbm acredita que "gente normal não muda o mundo", vai adorar esse lugar assim como eu e muitos outros! Visite, participe dos eventos e Vc vai se surpreender com o que esse lugar é capaz de fazer. ?
If you also believe that "normal people don't change the world", you will love this place just like me and many others! Visit, participate in the events and you will be surprised with what this place is capable of doing. ?
Elder Cerqueira on Google

A experiência com O Novo lab foi incrível. Conhecemos na visita ao escritório da Onii, queria muito uma estrutura assim em Salvador. Os valores são baixíssimos pra toda estrutura que o condomínio oferece.
The experience with O Novo lab was incredible. We met on the visit to Onii's office, I really wanted a structure like this in Salvador. Values ​​are very low for every structure that the condominium offers.
Evandro Peixoto da Silva on Google

Local é mágico, parque de diversão para todos. Palestras, workshops, inovação painéis de debate, cultura, informação., cafeteria e cerveja artesanal. Apareça lá sozinho, com amigos, família com certeza tem algo sempre para aprender. Viajamos quase 300km e valeu cada centímetro. Se você mora em São Carlos e região não perca a oportunidade de ir ao local com frequência. Está com uma idéia e não sabe onde começar apareça por lá que tem muita gente pra ajudar. Starups, estudantes, curiosos, empreendedores e afins este lugar é pra vocês.
Location is magical, amusement park for everyone. Lectures, workshops, innovation, debate panels, culture, information., Cafeteria and craft beer. Show up there alone, with friends, family certainly has something to learn. We traveled almost 300km and it was worth every inch. If you live in São Carlos and the region don't miss the opportunity to go there frequently. You have an idea and you don't know where to start, show up there that have a lot of people to help. Starups, students, curious, entrepreneurs and the like, this place is for you.
Tatiana Costa on Google

“Pessoas normais não mudam o mundo”. Amei! Ambiente profissional descontraído, inovador e estimulador. Aqui temos uma pequena ideia do ambiente que esperamos um dia alcançar no nosso ambiente de trabalho.
"Normal people do not change the world." Loved it! Professional, relaxed, innovative and stimulating environment. Here we have a small idea of ​​the environment that we hope one day to reach in our work environment.
Marcio Galli on Google

It's nice to see that this lab or "campus" space didn't have much time to complete the space in the beautiful sense, in the fake sense; and instead is focusing in the people. Yes, ideas before air conditioners. Yes, open voices in the air instead conference rooms with audio isolation. Yes, the mobility of laptops does not demand professional and even internationally compliant power outlets. Eventually, however, after the amazing talks and other interactions that I hope the space is producing, I wonder what the constituents are asking (or being able to hack) for the space. The "not so normal" space that values humans needs to constantly keeping asking its constituents, yes, but today also need not to fear and be clear about how much transparent it is. It's time for all of us to continue to be transparent - like the walls at this initiative - naked art that reveals who we are and how we value people.

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