Parquinho da Guilhermina - Praia Grande - SP

2.4/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Parquinho da Guilhermina

Address :

Parquinho da Guilhermina - Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 2734 - Canto do Forte, Praia Grande - SP, 11700-800, Brazil

Postal code : 11700-800
Categories :

Parquinho da Guilhermina - Av. Pres. Castelo Branco, 2734 - Canto do Forte, Praia Grande - SP, 11700-800, Brazil
Rafa Vissi on Google

Parque muito ruim fui agredido verbalmente tive medo pela minha vida segurança folgado estou traumatizado tenho medo por mina vida
Very bad park I was verbally abused I was afraid for my life safety loose I am traumatized I am afraid for my life
Ricardo Bonet on Google

No geral os brinquedos são bem legais, mesmo o preço sendo um pouco salgado.
Overall the toys are pretty cool, even though the price is a little steep.
Hingrid Aguida on Google

Mal educados, ficam rindo da cara das pessoas, não informaram que havia mais de um tipo de ingresso pra ir nos brinquedos, super ignorantes
Badly educated, they laugh at people's faces, they didn't inform that there was more than one type of ticket to go to the rides, super ignorant
Fabiano Ferrari on Google

Sábado dia 5/3/2022,fui super mal atendido, não explicam valores dos brinquedos,as moças do atendimento,mal educada, nunca mais levo minha família aí.
Saturday 3/5/2022, I was super poorly attended, they don't explain the values ​​of toys, the service girls, rude, I will never take my family there again.
Miguel pimenta on Google

Nunca fui tão humilhada como foi nesse parque os funcionários não tem nenhuma educação os funcionários são muito mal educada elas ri da nossa cara fica xingando nós clientes que vamos passear pra distrair com a família meu filho que nunca viu nenhuma Briga ficou traumatizado com o que presenciou ele achou que os seguranças ia bater no pai estou indignada com isso???
I've never been so humiliated as I was in this park the employees have no education the employees are very rude they laugh at us they keep cursing us customers who are going for a walk to have fun with the family my son who has never seen any fight was traumatized by what he witnessed he thought the security guards were going to hit his father I'm outraged by that ???
Vitoria Barreto on Google

Fui muito mal atendida pelos funcionários do parque e nao explicam que existe dois tipo de ingresso. Fiquei 1 hora na fila e as atendentes riram da minha cara. E de bônus tinha os seguranças folgados.
I was very poorly attended by the park employees and they do not explain that there are two types of tickets. I was in line for 1 hour and the attendants laughed in my face. And as a bonus, there were slack security guards.
angela costa on Google

Não gostei da postura dos funcionários, boa parte deles sem educação, nunca mais irei levar meu filho lá. Sem contar a falta de comunicação, da pare dos funcionários para fazer as devidas explicações referente ao ingresso para usar os brinquedos… sinceramente prefiro o parquinho se Itaquera!
I didn't like the attitude of the employees, most of them uneducated, I will never take my son there again. Not to mention the lack of communication, from the stop of the employees to make the necessary explanations regarding the ticket to use the toys… I honestly prefer the playground if Itaquera!
Fernanda Vissioli on Google

Funcionarios mal educados e despreparados. Seguranças folgados sem formação academica acham que sao policiais. Vendedoras golpistas nao explica que existe dois tipos de ingresso para os brinquedos. Ai pegamos fila enorme e descobrimos que é outro ingresso. Quando vamos trocar elas começa a rir da cara como se a vida estivesse feita e nao precisasse do Cliente que paga o salario deles... Nao aconselho ninguem ir nesse parque com a familia. Ficam rindo da nossa cara e faz pouco caso com o cliente que vem de fora . Detalhe minha filha e o namorado acertou o urso grande e deram um coraçao pequeno. Nao tem nem vergonha de roubar e vira as costas deixou nos falando so deu o coraçao e ignorou nós.
Rude and unprepared employees. Baggy security guards with no academic training think they're cops. Scam salespeople do not explain that there are two types of tickets for toys. Then we took a huge line and discovered that it is another ticket. When we're going to change, they start to laugh in the face as if life was done and they didn't need the Customer who pays their salary... I don't advise anyone to go to this park with their family. They laugh in our face and don't care about the client who comes from outside. Detail my daughter and her boyfriend hit the big bear and gave a small heart. He's not even ashamed of stealing and turns his back left talking to us, he just gave up his heart and ignored us.

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