Lucrum Imobiliária - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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Contact Lucrum Imobiliária

Address :

Lucrum Imobiliária - Rua Francisco Sá, 23 - Grupo 1.202 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22080-010, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +9
Postal code : 22080-010
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Categories :

Lucrum Imobiliária - Rua Francisco Sá, 23 - Grupo 1.202 - Copacabana, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 22080-010, Brazil
Thaiana Mascarenhas on Google

Comprei um apartamento com eles e fiquei impressionada com o suporte ao longo de todo o processo, todo mesmo, inclusive após a venda já ter sido concretizada. Só tenho a agradecer a Lucrum, e principalmente ao Bruno, por ter nos acompanhado e ajudado ao longo de toda essa trajetória tão importante. Indico de olhos fechados!
I bought an apartment with them and was impressed with their support throughout the entire process, even after the sale was completed. I just have to thank Lucrum, and especially Bruno, for having accompanied and helped us throughout this very important trajectory. I indicate with my eyes closed!

Boa tarde meu nome é Sandro, estou indignado como descaso, falta de cuidado com o cliente, falta de profissionalismo da Lucrum. Estou tentando a 4 dias contato com um corretor da Lucrum, tenho interesse em alugar uma sala no Nova América Offices. Terça liguei e falei com Gabriela disse que o corretor iria ligar, não ligou quarta tornei a ligar, passou-me o contato do corretor, liguei várias vezes, deu telefone desligado Gabriela pediu para passar mensagem, passei na quinta, visualizou, mas não respondeu e neste meio tempo já vi 3 salas da concorrência. E até agora nada da Lucrum. Sou empresário e atuo em alguns segmentos aqui no RJ, e não acredito que o proprietário da Lucrum que deve investir em estrutura, treinamentos, salários, benefícios etc.. saiba deste descaso. É um lamento.
Good afternoon my name is Sandro, I am indignant at neglect, lack of care for the client, lack of professionalism at Lucrum. I am trying to contact a Lucrum broker for 4 days, I am interested in renting a room at Nova América Offices. Tuesday I called and talked to Gabriela said that the broker would call, he didn't call Wednesday, I called again, the broker's contact gave me, I called several times, he gave the phone off Gabriela asked to send a message, I passed on Thursday, he saw it, but he didn't answer and in the meantime I’ve seen 3 competition rooms. And so far nothing from Lucrum. I am an entrepreneur and I work in some segments here in RJ, and I do not believe that the owner of Lucrum, who should invest in structure, training, salaries, benefits, etc., knows about this neglect. It is a regret.
Marcus Vinicius Conte Cipriano on Google

Toda a equipe me parece ser ótima, tirando o corretor que nos atendeu, com todos os outros funcionários da empresa sempre foi tudo fluindo de forma tranquila, menos com o Eduardo, meu Deus, quer sair ganhando em tudo, de bobo só tem a cara, e tem mesmo, mas é mais esperto do que se possa imaginar, procurem a Aline, ela resolveu em duas horas o que ele demorou mais de duas semanas.
The whole team seems to be great, except for the broker who served us, with all the other employees of the company everything was always flowing smoothly, except for Eduardo, my God, he wants to win in everything, he's just a fool , and it really is, but it's smarter than you can imagine, look for Aline, she solved in two hours what took him more than two weeks.
Sidenir Barroso on Google

Imobiliária com o melhor atendimento na zona sul do Rio de janeiro. Corretores profissionais e uma estrutura excelente. Recomendo
Real estate with the best service in the south of Rio de Janeiro. Professional brokers and an excellent structure. I recommend
Pedro Alcantarilla on Google

Estive em contato com essa imobiliaria, e fiquei decepcionado com o atendimento recebido do seu Corretor e depois, por aquilo que eles solicitam para vc alugar um imovel, atraves dessa Imobiliaria. A seguir, comento fatos ocorridos. Entrei em contato com essa imobiliaria, numa sexta feira cedo atraves da recepcionista, onde ela me informou que daria o numero do meu celular ao corretor, e que logo em seguinte, o mesmo entraria em contato comigo. Pasmem! Se eu nao ligasse novamente para essa imobiliaria, e reclamasse da falta de atendimento, não teria sido atendido ate esse momento, isso na segunda feira. Como bom senso, ela resolveu me passar o numero do celular desse corretor e ai, eu entrei em contato, mas deu cx postal Deixei recado, e o mesmo me mandou varias informações, tudo atraves do whatsap. Essas informacoes logo de "cara",foram as da exigencias solicitadas para que eu pudesse alugar um imovel. Não houve por parte desse corretor o bom senso em falar comigo, sobre qual imovel eu tinha interesse, local, etc. Realmente, as exigencias solicitadas, em principio, "afugentam" o cliente. Estou acreditando depois disso, que essa imobiliaria, não deseja fazer locações pois, diverge completamente de outras que mantive contatos, como por exemplo 5 andar. Sendo assim, não aconselho ninguem à fazer negocios com essa imobiliaria, e sentir as frustações das exigências, algumas descabidas, num momento dificil para todos nós. É direito das imobiliarias se garantirem de receber os alugueis contratados mas, sem contudo não se avaliar em nenhum instante a ficha cadastral do cliente, está fora da realidade de hoje em dia. Por isso mais uma vez, reitero que aqueles que desejam alugar um imovel não será essa a imobiliaria que irá concretizar esse desejo.
I was in contact with this real estate company, and I was disappointed with the service received from your Broker and then, because of what they ask for you to rent a property, through this real estate agency. Below, I comment on facts that occurred. I got in touch with this real estate company, on an early Friday through the receptionist, where she informed me that she would give my cell phone number to the broker, and that soon after, he would contact me. Amazing! If I didn't call that real estate company again, and complain about the lack of service, I wouldn't have been answered until this moment, on Monday. As common sense, she decided to give me the cell phone number of this broker and then, I got in touch, but she gave me a postal box. I left a message, and he sent me various information, all through whatsap. This information right away were the requirements requested so that I could rent a property. There was no common sense on the part of this broker to talk to me about which property I was interested in, location, etc. Indeed, the requested demands, in principle, "drive away" the customer. After that, I'm believing that this real estate company doesn't want to lease because it completely diverges from others that I've kept in touch with, such as 5th floor. Therefore, I do not advise anyone to do business with this property, and feel the frustration of the demands, some unreasonable, at a difficult time for all of us. It is the right of real estate companies to guarantee to receive the rents contracted, but without, however, not evaluating the customer's registration form at any time, it is out of the reality of today. So once again, I reiterate that those who wish to rent a property will not be the property that will fulfill that desire.
Fabrício Fernandes de Castro on Google

Empresa 100% de confiança e 100% competente. A venda do meu imóvel transcorreu em total tranquilidade e em tempo muito rápido. Recomendo muito. Parabéns a toda a equipe.
Larry LaRose on Google

Canadians, Americans and anyone that has wealth and bank accounts outside of Brazil, don't waste your time - stay away from this company. The good, the bad and the ugly: The good: Randolfo who initially showed us a house and tried to facilitate a deal through Lucrum is a good guy. Helpful, friendly and professional. The Bad: The false advertising, (see pictures below) reneging on agreements and shocking lack of communication and severe incompetence. The Ugly: The Manager Carlos and the business owner Ricardo Florentino literally make promises that are lies. "I'll call you back in 5 minutes" really means "I've decided to ignore you for 3 days" - In the end, we were not able to make a deal because even though I am overqualified, the company does not want to deal with or facilitate agreements with foreigners and ex-pats. This is short-sighted and ignorant. You have been warned. Below you can see the pictures advertised on their website with the 'Lucrum' watermark. The rest of the pictures were taken by me later:
Juliana Carneiro on Google

I am client since 2004 and during this long and close relation as a client, I was always very well advised. The owners are extremely competent, dedicated and ensure legal certainty of contracts. The canadian who recentely tried to rental my house made a lot of demands and we did the best to make a deal, according with the proposed terms, accepting his requirements. But, unfortunately, they didn't were able to rental my house because they don't have how to guarantee the payment, according to Brasil Law. I am much more gratefully to Lucrum for being so carefully with their clients. By the way, canadians or any other foreingners are very welcome and I am sure that anyone interested in rental an apartment or house will be very friendly and well received!

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