OSS Santa Marcelina – Itaim Paulista - São Paulo - SP

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Contact OSS Santa Marcelina – Itaim Paulista

Address :

OSS Santa Marcelina – Itaim Paulista - Avenida Marechal Tito, 6035 - Jardim Jaragua (Itaim Paulista), São Paulo - SP, 08115-100, Brazil

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Postal code : 08115-100
Website : https://santamarcelina.org/itaim-paulista/
Categories :

OSS Santa Marcelina – Itaim Paulista - Avenida Marechal Tito, 6035 - Jardim Jaragua (Itaim Paulista), São Paulo - SP, 08115-100, Brazil
Marcele Kazumi on Google

Venho por meio desta, a agradecer, a toda equipe do Hospital Santa Marcelina, que foram incríveis com a Hospitalização de minha Célia Maria, na qual sofreu uma fratura no fêmur. Ela ficou internada no período de 12/5 a 18/5/2022. Agradecer a toda equipe de médicos ortopedistas, cirurgiões ortopedistas, anestesistas, enfermeiros, auxiliares de enfermagens, técnicos de enfermagem, todos profissionais do raio x, fisioterapeutas, enfim, que Deus Continue abençoando todos vocês, muito obrigada, cirurgia e recuperação com muito sucesso. Gratidão
I hereby come to thank the entire team at Hospital Santa Marcelina, who were amazing with the Hospitalization of my Célia Maria, in which she suffered a fracture in her femur. She was hospitalized from 5/12 to 5/18/2022. Thank the entire team of orthopedic doctors, orthopedic surgeons, anesthesiologists, nurses, nursing assistants, nursing technicians, all x-ray professionals, physiotherapists, in short, may God continue to bless you all, thank you very much, surgery and recovery with great success. Gratitude
mechamocah on Google

Péssimo! Fui nesse hospital pedindo pra alguém conferir se eu estava ou não com um O.B dentro de mim porque pela primeira vez havia esquecido de tirar a cordinha pra fora antes de colocar e a médica ficou berrando quinhentas vezes que eu estava podre, que eu era porca, puxou com tudo me machucando e quando deu que os exames estavam tudo ok ela ficou indignada como que eu não tinha pegado nenhuma bactéria sendo que eu estava podre e há dias com o absorvente que não conseguia remover. Foi o que ela disse diversas vezes me humilhando sendo que eu tomo banho toda hora e antes de ir ao hospital novamente tomei banho e em todos banhos eu tentava ver e tirar se tivesse algo ali mas não achava nada, estava bem limpinha, não tenho culpa que o absorvente fica com mau cheiro por estar ali vários dias, pedi pro meu namorado ver e ele disse que não tinha nada por isso demorei tanto pra ir ao hospital, enfim, essa médica foi totalmente estúpida e nada profissional. Eu tinha ido anteriormente na UBS Jardim das Oliveiras mas se recusaram a me atender dizendo que não tinha ginecologista...
Terrible! I went to this hospital asking someone to check whether or not I had an O.B inside me because for the first time I had forgotten to take the cord out before putting it on and the doctor kept yelling five hundred times that I was rotten, that I was a pig, pulled with everything hurting me and when the exams were all ok she was indignant as I hadn't caught any bacteria since I was rotten and for days with the tampon that I couldn't remove. That's what she said several times humiliating me being that I shower all the time and before going to the hospital I took a bath again and in every bath I tried to see and take it out if there was anything there but I couldn't find anything, it was very clean, it's not my fault that the tampon smells bad for being there for several days, I asked my boyfriend to see it and he said there was nothing so it took me so long to go to the hospital, anyway, this doctor was totally stupid and unprofessional. I had previously gone to UBS Jardim das Oliveiras but they refused to meet me saying they didn't have a gynecologist...
Carol Tolentino on Google

As enfermeiras, seguranças, equipe de apoio todos são maravilhosos, atenciosos, cuidadosos. Mas é um lugar que, se eu puder evitar, não volto mais. Estou grávida de 40 semanas, passei a madrugada com dor e pedi pra ir pro hospital. Da hora que cheguei até ser atendida demorou 2h, mas entendo que estava cheio então não reclamei. Quando finalmente me chamaram, a médica extremamente grossa, fez os exames de qualquer jeito. Mediu minha barriga de qualquer jeito, chutando o número (inclusive chutou 6 cm a mais do real), antes de ir p essara la e fazer o exame de toque estava com 2 dedos de dilatação, ela disse que só tinha um. Eu sofro de dor no quadril devido a uma queda, mas não impediu que após os "exames" ela empurrasse minha perna do estribo, repuxando meu ligamento entre a coxa e a virilha. Ainda ouvi comentários desnecessários . O tempo todo ela falando que não era pra eu ter ido pra lá. Grossa, mal educada. Isso porque só contei o que ela fez em uma consulta de menos de 5 minutos. . Lamento sinceramente pela equipe que tem que aturar essa espécie de profissional .
The nurses, security, support staff are all wonderful, attentive, careful. But it is a place that, if I can avoid it, I will never go back. I am 40 weeks pregnant, spent the night in pain and asked to go to the hospital. From the time I arrived until I was attended to, it took 2 hours, but I understand that it was full so I didn't complain. When they finally called me, the extremely rude doctor did the exams anyway. She measured my belly anyway, guessing the number (she even guessed 6 cm more than the real one), before going to the shop and doing the touch exam, I was 2 fingers dilated, she said she only had one. I suffer from hip pain from a fall, but it didn't stop her from pushing my leg off the stirrup after the "exams", pulling my ligament between my thigh and groin. I still heard unnecessary comments. All the time she was saying that I wasn't supposed to go there. Gross, ill-mannered. That's because I only told her what she did in a consultation of less than 5 minutes. . I am sincerely sorry for the team that has to put up with this kind of professional.
Eliádine Silva on Google

Nunca tinha passado nesse hospital, dia 13\02\2022 dei entrada em trabalho de parto, porém não sabia, pois é minha primeira gravidez, desde o dia 12 estava indo para o hospital pimentas, falavam que eu tinha que esperar. No Santa Marcelina fui atendida imediatamente, uma equipe ótima realizou meu parto, salvaram a minha vida e a do meu filho. Parabéns! A parte de maternidade é excelente.
I had never been to this hospital, on the 13/02/2022 I went into labor, but I didn't know, because it is my first pregnancy, since the 12th I was going to the peppers hospital, they said I had to wait. At Santa Marcelina I was attended immediately, a great team performed my delivery, they saved my life and that of my son. Congratulations! The maternity part is excellent.
Aline Souza on Google

Eu tive meu BB neste hospital, e não recomendo de jeito algum, estava de 41 semanas e não tinha nem um dedo de dilatação, então na consulta que eu fui neste hospital orientada pela ubs da cidade kemel, a médica falou que teria que fazer a indução para o parto, cheguei lá sábado às 11:00 da manhã , falaram que seria 4 comprimidos p a indução e caso não houvesse dilatação seria no soro, fui p o quarto junto com as outras gestantes, e recebi o primeiro comprimido era 19;30 da noite, e depois o segundo as 02 e pouco da manhã, e não estava sentindo nada, e tive 2,5cm de dilatação somente. Qnd foi de manhã umas 9 e pouco estava esperando o terceiro comprimido e a médica p avaliar, qnd ela viu estava ainda com 2,5cm ela pediu p mim fazer um pouco de força p ele senti a bolsa e simplesmente furou e nem pediu simplesmente feZ, e falou p enfermeira me coloca no soro e saiu, na hora q ela furou comecei a sentir dor, mas qnd colocou o soro aguentei até umas 11 e pouco da manhã estava sentindo MTA dor e qnd fizeram outro toque estava com 3cm somente, falei que queria tirar o soro pois estava sentindo MTA dor e não suportava mais, a enfermeira olho p mim e falou não vou tirar e virou as costas, fiquei chorando no quarto um tempo com as outras gestantes olhando, qnd entrou outra enfermeira e falei p ela tira o soro novamente ela falou "vc acha que vai ter cesária? Não vai ter não, não vou tirar." Eu fiquei sem açao na hora, qnd entro outra falei ou vc tira ou vou arranca do meu braço não sou obrigada usar algo que não pedi, ela chamou a mesma q falou q eu não teria cesária e ela autorizou tirar toda sem graça depois. No decorrer que tirei estava com 4cm e me mandaram p sala de parto e chamaram meu marido p ficar cmg, no sus eles falam p vc que vc tem direito a anestesia caso não esteja suportando mais a dor, qnd foi umas 15:30 eu pedi eles primeiro falaram q não tinha, depois falou q não tinha anestesista no hospital, pensei ata. (Não deram) Falaram p meu marido fala p ela coloca o soro p o processo ser mais rápido se não vai fica aí até a noite e sofrendo mais, depois de mto insistir coloquei dnv o soro, aquela dor insuportável não aguentava mais, qnd foi as 17'00 hrs a médica entrou na sala e estava com 7,5cm ela falou se quiser fazer força pode fazer, eu fazia, fazia... Mas não aguentava mto tempo, me faltava fôlego estava mto cansada e fraca, depois de mto tentar e nada do bebê nascer, ela pediu para fazer um corte a dor era tanta que autorizei, mesmo assim fzd força o BB não nascia meu marido assistiu tudo, foi qnd ela ajudou ele nascer puxando com a mão, e o corte que ela fez não foi o suficiente qnd ele nasceu rasgou o outro lado também. Meu BB nasceu com 4.165kg com 54cm Não sentia nada da cintura p baixo, as enfermeiras entrando na sala p vê-lo com os comentários " nssa que bebê grande" "gente coitada da mãe né" eu não consiga mau falar, mesmo ela dando anestesia p dar pontos não adiantou nada sentia ela me costurando e puxando, fui p outra sala de marca não conseguia ficar em pé. Chegando no quarto depois de algumas hrs falaram q eu tinha q tomar banho, e uma enfermeira me acompanhou, chegando no banheiro minha pressão caiu, não conseguia vê nada e nem levantar, a mesma que me levou p o banho estava falando p outra q tinha achado desnecessário eu ir de marca p o quarto. A enfermeira chefe ouviu o comentário maldoso e chamou atenção dela e depois mandou ela sair do banheiro p ficar cmg ela foi das poucas pessoas que me trataram bem, não lembro o nome dela, mas ela me tratou mto bem , e a enfermeira Carla também, super atenciosa e carinhosa, nssa não tem oq falar da equipe da enfermeira chefe q me ajudou, mas o restou parece q está só por conta do salário não gosta de trabalhar lá, te trata com indiferença e pouco caso. Fiquei 3 dias no quarto não conseguia mau andar e tinha mulher q tinha feito cesária e estava melhor q eu, no final qnd estava saindo do hospital uma enfermeira me acompanhou até a porta falou nssa coitada dessa mãe teve normal sofreu p caramba era p ser cesária, detalhe foi ela q n quis tira meu soro, falsa.
I had my BB in this hospital, and I don't recommend it at all, I was 41 weeks old and didn't even have a finger dilated, so at the appointment I went to in this hospital guided by the ubs in the city of kemel, the doctor said that I would have to do the induction for labor, I arrived there Saturday at 11:00 am, they said it would be 4 pills for induction and if there was no dilation it would be in the serum, I went to the room with the other pregnant women, and I received the first pill at 19:30 in the morning. night, and then the second at 2 am, and I wasn't feeling anything, and I was only 2.5 cm dilated. When it was in the morning, around 9 am, I was waiting for the third pill and the doctor could evaluate it, when she saw it was still 2.5 cm she asked me to push it a little so he felt the bag and it just punctured and didn't even ask for it. , and told the nurse to put me on the IV and left, at the time she punctured I started to feel pain, but when she placed the IV I lasted until about 11 am I was feeling a lot of pain and when they did another touch I was only 3 cm, I said I wanted to take the serum out because I was feeling a lot of pain and couldn't stand it anymore, the nurse looked at me and said I won't take it out and turned her back, I stayed crying in the room for a while with the other pregnant women looking, when another nurse came in and told her she takes the serum out again she said "do you think there will be a cesarean? I ran out of action at the time, when I came in another one I said either you take it off or I'm going to take it off my arm I'm not obliged to use something I didn't ask for, she called the same one who said I wouldn't have a cesarean and she authorized it to take it all awkwardly afterwards. During the time I took it, it was 4 cm and they sent me to the delivery room and called my husband to stay with me, in SUS they tell you that you have the right to anesthesia if you can't stand the pain anymore, when it was around 15:30 I asked they first said they didn't have it, then they said they didn't have an anesthesiologist in the hospital, I thought ata. (They didn't) They told my husband, tell her to put the serum for the process to be faster, if she doesn't stay there until the night and suffering more, after a lot of insisting I put dnv the serum, that unbearable pain couldn't take it anymore, when it was 17:00 hrs the doctor entered the room and was 7.5 cm tall, she said if you want to push, you can do it, I did, I did... But I couldn't take it for a long time, I was short of breath, I was very tired and weak, after trying a lot and nothing from the baby When he was born, she asked to have a cut, the pain was so bad that I authorized it, even so, I forced the BB to not be born my husband watched everything, it was when she helped him to be born by pulling it with her hand, and the cut she made was not enough when he was born tore the other side too. My BB was born with 4.165kg at 54cm He didn't feel anything from the waist down, the nurses entering the room to see him with the comments " wow, what a big baby" "poor mother, right" I can't speak badly, even though she gave anesthesia to give stitches it didn't help I felt her sewing and pulling me, I went to another brand room I couldn't stand up. Arriving in the room after a few hours they said that I had to take a shower, and a nurse accompanied me, arriving in the bathroom my pressure dropped, I couldn't see anything or get up, the same one who took me to the bath was talking to another one that she had found unnecessary for me to go from mark to room. The head nurse heard the mean comment and called her attention and then told her to leave the bathroom to stay with me she was one of the few people who treated me well, I don't remember her name, but she treated me very well, and so did nurse Carla, super attentive and affectionate, we don't have anything to say about the head nurse team that helped me, but the rest seems like it's just because of the salary he doesn't like working there, he treats you with indifference and little case. I stayed in the room for 3 days and I couldn't walk and there was a woman who had a cesarean section and was better than me, at the end when I was leaving the hospital a nurse accompanied me to the door told us about this poor mother she was normal she suffered so damn it was supposed to be a cesarean , detail was she who didn't want to take my serum, fake.
Adriana Evelyn on Google

Tive 2 partos nesse hospital, o 1° foi induzido com soro na veia e precisei levar corte, o 2° foi totalmente natural, achei que sofri um pouquinho mais que o primeiro, devido as dores e pq no momento do parto descobrimos que o cordão umbilical estava enrolado no pescoço do bebê e no mesmo instante que a medica viu ela pediu pra mim não fazer mais forças e foi puxando ele cuidadosamente para que o meu bebê não viesse a morrer de inforcamento, já que não havia conhecimento do tamanho do cordão umbilical. Toda a dor que uma mulher sente durante o parto eu senti das duas gestações, um pouco mais na segunda do que na primeira, mas sobre o atendimento que eu recebi da MATERNIDADE, foi maravilhoso. Fui muito bem atendida, muito bem tratada desde a intenção ate o momento da alta. As enfermeiras no momento de me preparar para a internação super divertidas, conversaram comigo, me ajudando a me sentir mais confortável e calma, e o momento que elas começaram a conseguir me ouvir gemendo de dor elas foram me examinar novamente, a bolsa estourou no exame de toque com 6 de dilatação e no período de 15 minutos o meu bebe nasceu e elas contribuiram para que fosse mais rápido já que eu estava a todo momento fazendo força para que meu bebê viesse a nascer logo. E assim tenho dois filhos lindos e saudáveis de dois parto normais e gracas a Deus e as equipes que me atenderam assim eu pude me sentir bem tratada e segura.
I had 2 births in this hospital, the 1st was induced with serum in the vein and I had to take a cut, the 2nd was totally natural, I thought I suffered a little more than the first, due to the pain and because at the time of delivery we discovered that the cord umbilical cord was wrapped around the baby's neck and at the same moment the doctor saw it, she asked me not to force it any more and was pulling it carefully so that my baby would not die of inforcing, since there was no knowledge of the size of the umbilical cord . All the pain that a woman feels during childbirth I felt in both pregnancies, a little more in the second than in the first, but about the care I received from MATERNITY, it was wonderful. I was very well attended, very well treated from the intention to the moment of discharge. The nurses when preparing for the hospital were super fun, they talked to me, helping me to feel more comfortable and calm, and the moment they started to hear me moaning in pain they went to examine me again, the water broke on the exam with 6 of dilation and within 15 minutes my baby was born and they helped to make it go faster as I was constantly pushing for my baby to be born soon. And so I have two beautiful and healthy children from two normal births and thanks to God and the teams that took care of me so I could feel well cared for and safe.
luk on Google

Gostaria de saber quantos quartos estão disponíveis para pacientes idosos que tiveram um derrame? Por qual motivo não há um médico responsável pelas altas diariamente no hospital? De quanto em quanto tempo os enfermeiros recebem treinamento. Em dois dias que fiquei como acompanhante observei diversas falhas e negligências com pacientes na área de observação! Casos como! Enfermeiros desatentos e conversando enquanto aplicam medicação. O não uso adequado de luvas e máscaras, Eles não trocam as luvas entre uma função e outra. Falta de cuidado ao aplicar medicação causando lesões nos pacientes. E claramente o despreparo e ignorância para falar com os familiares que acompanham os pacientes, descuido ao passar o paciente de uma maca para outra tendo risco do pasciente sofrer uma queda. Já temos dois casos de tuberculose que ainda estão mesma área e nada foi feito, levando risco para todos os que estão presentes no local, ainda mais pelo descuido dos enfermeiros, podendo agravar casos de pacientes que estão aguardando alta, mas como não há um médico responsável para isso no dia eles ficam expostos e suscetíveis a essas doenças entre outras Não quero fazer escândalo acho isso necessário somente em último caso pois estamos em um hospital e "teoricamente à profissionais trabalhando", para o bem de todos sempre faço de tudo para evitar escândalos e não ter que entrar tomar outras providências como em contato com outras autoridades, mas para tudo temos um limite mandei várias mensagens tentei entrar em contato mas não obtive respostas e desligaram o telefone na minha cara espero que encontrem minha mensagem e tomem providências
Would you like to know how many rooms are available for elderly patients who have had a stroke? Why is there not a doctor responsible for daily discharges in the hospital? How often nurses receive training. In the two days that I stayed as an escort, I observed several failures and negligence with patients in the observation area! Cases like! Nurses inattentive and chatting while administering medication. Failure to properly use gloves and masks, They don't switch gloves between roles. Lack of care when applying medication causing injuries to patients. And clearly the unpreparedness and ignorance to talk to the family members who accompany the patients, carelessness when moving the patient from one stretcher to another, with the risk of the patient suffering a fall. We already have two cases of tuberculosis that are still in the same area and nothing has been done, leading to risk for everyone present, even more so due to the negligence of the nurses, which can aggravate cases of patients who are awaiting discharge, but as there is no doctor responsible for this on the day they are exposed and susceptible to these diseases among others I don't want to make a scandal, I think this is only necessary as a last resort, as we are in a hospital and "theoretically professionals are working", for the good of all I always do everything to avoid scandals and not have to take other measures, such as contacting other authorities , but for everything we have a limit I sent several messages I tried to get in touch but I got no answers and they hung up on me I hope you find my message and take action
Diogo Borges on Google

Fui ao hospital hoje 21/02/2022 levar meu pai que tinha um exame agendado. Chegamos mais cedo e logo entramos e aguardamos pelo atendimento. Logo na porta tem um segurança, que é muito educado e prestativo, ajuda com as informações. Mesmo meu pai sendo prioridade e se tratando de um PCD houve muita demora no atendimento dele, ficamos por volta de 1h30 de espera. Não estava muito cheio, mas eles dão prioridade pra quem está internado no hospital, então tem muitos pacientes e bebês. No mais foi tudo bem o exame foi rápido e deu tudo certo.
I went to the hospital today 02/21/2022 to take my father who had an exam scheduled. We arrived early and then went inside and waited for service. Right at the door there is a security guard, who is very polite and helpful, helps with information. Even though my father was a priority and since he was a PCD, there was a long delay in his care, we were waiting for around 1h30. It wasn't very crowded, but they give priority to those who are hospitalized, so there are a lot of patients and babies. All in all, the exam was quick and everything went well.

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