Place Multimarcas - São Paulo - SP

4.2/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Place Multimarcas

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Place Multimarcas - Av. Professor Luiz Ignácio Anhaia Mello, 3850 - Loja 10 - Vila Prudente, São Paulo - SP, 03294-100, Brazil

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Postal code : 03294-100
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Place Multimarcas - Av. Professor Luiz Ignácio Anhaia Mello, 3850 - Loja 10 - Vila Prudente, São Paulo - SP, 03294-100, Brazil
Don Vitto on Google

Comprei meu carro na Loja e fui muito bem atendido, recomendo á todos comprar nessa Loja. Voltarei a fazer negócio com certeza !!!!!!
I bought my car at the store and was very well attended, I recommend everyone to buy at that store. I will do business again for sure !!!!!!
Eduardo Bevilacqua on Google

Comprei meu último carro lá e não recomendo. Tive problemas com o veículo, seguro e mesmo quando quis trocar, só me arrumaram dor de cabeça.
I bought my last car there and I don't recommend it. I had problems with the vehicle, insurance and even when I wanted to change, they just got me a headache.
Renato Batel on Google

O pré-venda foi excepcional Porém, uma semana após adquirir o carro, o mesmo apresentou problemas no ar-condicionado. Fui obrigado a ouvir deles que "não damos garantia em ar condicionado" Mesmo assim, recolheram o carro para manutenção, entregando novamente com o ar "funcionando". Demoraram para fazer a transferencia, recebi uma multa devido a isso e nem sequer pagaram a multa ou assumiram os pontos. Situações de praxe, como ocorre na grande maioria das agencias de carros. Pra vender, mostram até o dente do ciso no sorriso. Pra resolver problemas no pós venda, é cara fechada!!! Não recomendo, de forma alguma. E não voltaria a fazer negocios!
The pre-sale was exceptional However, a week after purchasing the car, it had problems with air conditioning. I was forced to hear from them that "we do not guarantee air conditioning" Even so, they collected the car for maintenance, delivering it again with the air "working". They took a long time to make the transfer, I received a fine for that and they didn't even pay the fine or take the points. Standard situations, as occurs in the vast majority of car agencies. To sell, they even show the wisdom tooth in a smile. To solve problems in the after sales, it is closed face !!! I don't recommend it at all. And I wouldn't do business again!
Caiko Novac on Google

Comprei 2 carros com eles e não tive nenhum problema! Pelo contrário, fui muito bem atendido e fiquei extremamente contente. Indico demais!
I bought 2 cars with them and had no problem! On the contrary, I was very well attended and I was extremely happy. Indicate too much!
Rafael Queiroga on Google

Eu ja comprei carro na place multimarcas fui muito bem atendido as pessoas sao proficional o carro que eu comprei foi um fiat uno 2013 o carro e exelente nunca me deu problema du endico como cliente e amigos o pessoal e notA 1000 em entendimento pretendo trocar o meu carro e vai ser com eles
I've already bought a car at the multibrand place I was very well serviced people are professional the car I bought was a fiat uno 2013 the car is excellent and never gave me a problem as a customer and friends staff and note 1000 in understanding I intend to change mine car and it will be with them
Emanuela S.Brito on Google

Meu marido comprou um Nissan Sentra em Janeiro com Eles e o carro sempre deu problemas, alias, no mesmo dia que meu marido foi buscar o carro ele, vindo pra casa notou um barulho estranho que já era o primeiro e o inicio da dor de cabeça, vira e mexe ele precisava arrumar algo, e quando o mesmo questionou o vendedor e solicitou que eles pagassem e arrumassem, eles jogaram a responsabilidade pra nós. Total desrespeito ao Cliente. Tão desonestos que falaram até como se a gente tivesse causado os problemas, provocado de má fé. Quem em sã consciência compra um carro, paga um financiamento, seguro pra ficar quebrando o carro?... Nao recomendo. o Pós venda é total desonestidade e injustiça.
My husband bought a Nissan Sentra in January with Them and the car always gave problems, by the way, the same day that my husband went to get his car, coming home he noticed a strange noise that was already the first and the beginning of the headache , turns and moves he needed to fix something, and when he questioned the seller and asked them to pay and arrange, they threw the responsibility to us. Total disrespect to the Client. So dishonest that they spoke as if people had caused the problems, caused in bad faith. Who in their right mind buys a car, pays financing, insurance to break the car? ... I don't recommend it. o After sales is total dishonesty and injustice.
Juliano Ettore on Google

Excelente loja. Ótimo atendimento do dono, dos vendedores e do Rafael. O Rafael é o cara.
Excellent store. Great service from the owner, sellers and Rafael. Rafael is the man.
Lucas Oliveira De Brito on Google

Comprei um Nissan Sentra com Vendedor Matheus e o Jose no dia 23/01/2021. No dia 29/01/21 fui buscar o carro. Pra minha infelicidade o quando peguei o carro e estava indo pra casa, Ja percebi um barulho estranho(carro esse que segundo o vendedor Matheus foi revisado). Era o rolamento do cubo de rodas da frente do lado direito e a mola da suspensão dianteira lado esquerdo. Falei com Matheus dia 30/01/21 sobre o ocorrido e sobre o defeito da subida de vidro traseiro lado passageiro que desda ida para comprar o carro e a MANCA revisão feita por eles continuava com defeito . Dia 03/02 fui levar o carro para eles arrumarem. Do dia 03/02/21 até o dia 10/02/21 fiquei sem o carro que Segundo o Vendedor Matheus e seu pai, vendedor Jose foi revisado(nota-se que se o mecânico que fez a revisão andasse/testasse o carro ele ja ia perceber o problema, mas nao, De má intenção e/ou desleixo eles nem fizeram o mínimo de teste no carro para entregar para o cliente. Pegando o carro no dia 10/03/21 após o conserto do carro(novamente que nem fizeram testes, nem andaram com o carro) começei a perceber um barulho no Volante(direção) do carro, como se tivesse algo solto. Pensei que era apenas um acabamento solto, nao obstante a tudo isso, quando se virava o volante(direção) do carro algo fazia barulho, notifiquei o vendedor Matheus e seu Jose no dia 24/02/21. Fui pesquisar e Era a barra de direção que estava frouxa, coisa que se a pessoa que fez revisão no carro tivesse andado com ele perceberia facilmente. Eu, de boa vontade, fui procurar soluções junto a videos e pessoas explicando, consegui resolver mais um problema do carro com relação ao barulho no volante ao andar, porem o barulho ao estressar o volante continuava, segundo meu mecanico e videos explicativo era a mola do sistema de amortecimento de roda do lado esquerdo que estava girando quando estressava o volante. Nota: quando o carro foi levado para trocar o cubo de rodas, nao fizeram o minimo de testes pois descobririam facilmente esse barulho na mola. Depois de tudo isso, o carro revisado do seu Matheus e seu Jose no dia 26/03/21 veio quebrar o sistema de freio traseiro(tambor e lona) raspando e fazendo barulho e esquentando demais o tambor. Avisei o Vendedor Matheus e por boa vontade disse que ia ver o que eu podia fazer caso nao gastasse muito dinheiro, pois precisava do carro. Porem ao levar ao mecanico nos dias seguinte, pois precisava com urgencia do carro visto nascimento de minha filha(que nasceu dia 04/04/21) e precisa do carro para levá-la a consultas, bem como minha mulher. tive que trocar os tambores e patins/lona, pois estavam todos danificados(tenho ainda os antigos em mãos, guardei tudp) ficou em 900,00 tudo constando em nota fiscal. Notifiquei o Seu Matheus sobre o ocorrido. O mesmo me ignorou. Nao obstante a tudo isso e o descaso do mesmo em me ignorar, no dia 29/04/21, ao estar dirigindo na região de osasco, após ter ido em uma consulta médica, o carro do nada nao engatava a marcha, o pedal ficou mole, sem pressão. Fiquei a deriva no meio da rua, e verifiquei que estava saindo oleo do sistema hidráulico da embreagem. Esta que ja estava estranha, porem achei que era normal, visto nunca ter andado num sentra, mas quando aconteceu isso, percebi que sempre teve algo anormal. estava pra quebrar todo sistema. Solicitei o guincho e o mesmo levou até minha casa, Em perus. (((tiveram a coragem de dizer que foi devido a ter usado o carro. em 3 meses andei cerca de 2600km, 28km dia e os mesmos disseram que foi esse uso que quebrou e que é normal em 3 meses ter tudo isso de conserto pra fazer, como pode notar, o carro ficou mais parado que andando devido a todos os problemas surgidos)))vide foto com a informação total e fotos do veiculo e video...
I bought a Nissan Sentra with Seller Matheus and Jose on 23/01/2021. On 01/29/21 I went to get the car. To my unhappiness when I took the car and was going home, I already noticed a strange noise (car that according to the seller Matheus was overhauled). It was the front wheel hub bearing on the right side and the front suspension spring on the left side. I spoke with Matheus on 30/01/21 about what happened and about the defect in the rear side passenger window that went out to buy the car and the LOT review done by them was still defective. 02/02 I went to take the car for them to fix. From 02/03/21 until 02/10/21 I was without the car that According to Salesman Matheus and his father, salesman Jose was overhauled (it is noted that if the mechanic who did the review would walk / test the car he I was going to realize the problem, but no, of bad intent and / or sloppiness they didn't even do the minimum test on the car to deliver to the customer. Taking the car on 03/10/21 after the car was repaired (again like not they did tests, they didn’t even ride the car) I started to notice a noise on the steering wheel (steering) of the car, as if there was something loose. something was making noise in the car, I notified the seller Matheus and his Jose on February 24, 21. I went to search and it was the steering bar that was loose, something that if the person who checked the car had driven with him would easily notice. I willingly went looking for solutions together with videos and people explaining, I managed to solve one more problem than car in relation to the noise on the steering wheel when walking, however the noise when stressing the steering wheel continued, according to my mechanic and explanatory videos it was the spring of the left wheel damping system that was turning when it stressed the steering wheel. Note: when the car was taken to change the wheel hub, they did not do the minimum tests as they would easily discover this noise in the spring. After all of this, the revised car of Seu Matheus and Jose on 26/03/21 came to break the rear brake system (drum and tarpaulin) by scraping and making noise and overheating the drum. I told the seller Matheus and willingly said that I would see what I could do if I didn't spend a lot of money, because I needed the car. However, taking it to the mechanic on the following days, as I urgently needed the car since my daughter was born (who was born on 04/04/21) and needs the car to take her to consultations, as well as my wife. I had to change the drums and skates / canvas, as they were all damaged (I still have the old ones in hand, I kept all of them). I notified Seu Matheus about what happened. The same ignored me. Notwithstanding all this and his neglect to ignore me, on 04/29/21, when he was driving in the region of osasco, after going to a medical consultation, the car from nowhere did not engage the gear, the pedal stayed soft, without pressure. I was adrift in the middle of the street, and I noticed that oil was leaking from the hydraulic system of the clutch. This one was already strange, but I thought it was normal, since I never walked in a sentra, but when that happened, I realized that there was always something abnormal. I was going to break the whole system. I ordered the winch and it took it to my house, In turkeys. (((they had the courage to say that it was due to having used the car. in 3 months I walked about 2600km, 28km day and they said that it was this use that broke and that it is normal in 3 months to have all this repaired for do, as you can see, the car was more stopped than walking due to all the problems that came up))) see photo with the total information and photos of the vehicle and video ...

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