Serve Sul Rent a Car - Alugue Economizando! - Rio de Janeiro - RJ

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Contact Serve Sul Rent a Car - Alugue Economizando!

Address :

Ao lado da Casa Show Ilha do Governador - Estrada do Galeão, 2950 - Portuguesa, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21931-582, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +89
Postal code : 21931-582
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Ao lado da Casa Show Ilha do Governador - Estrada do Galeão, 2950 - Portuguesa, Rio de Janeiro - RJ, 21931-582, Brazil
Carlos Henrique Reiniger on Google

Horrível. Empresa sem qualquer compromisso com o cliente. Nunca mais pensarei em utilizar seus serviços.
Horrible. Company without any commitment to the customer. I will never think of using your services again.
rafael marques on Google

Não ousem se aventurar nesta locadora. O preço não vale a pena. O serviço é desleixado, o carro leva uma vida pra chegar e ainda não te atendem. O tanque não vem cheio. É um horror! VEIO SEM ESTEPE
Don't you dare venture into this video store. The price is not worth it. The service is sloppy, the car takes a lifetime to get there and they still don't take care of you. The tank does not come full. It's a horror! CAME WITHOUT STEPPE
Tathiane Queiroz on Google

Infelizmente a funcionária que me atendeu no momento da contratação e retirada do veículo é extremamente grosseira e não tem boa vontade pra resolver nenhum problema. O aluguel é bem barato, o que não justifica a imundice que estava no carro que aluguei. O mesmo estava supee sujo, todo cacarecado. Me serviu e só valeu pelo preço. Mas não usarei novamente. São desorganizados e não têm capacidade pra lidar com clientes. Cheguei a ouvir da atendente, que estava ao telefone, a seguinte frase: "paciência, algum cliente vai ficar sem carro e eu não posso fazer nada". Fiquei pasma com tamanha falta de empatia. Eu já havia pago, pois fiz pela, mas a atendente a todo momento repetia a frase: "a Decolar não pagou nada pra gente". Sinceramente, precisam melhorar em muitas coisas.
Unfortunately, the employee who assisted me at the time of hiring and picking up the vehicle is extremely rude and has no willingness to solve any problem. The rent is very cheap, which does not justify the filth that was in the car I rented. The same was super dirty, all crap. It served me and was only worth the price. But I won't use it again. They are disorganized and have no capacity to deal with customers. I even heard from the attendant, who was on the phone, the following sentence: "Patience, some customer will be without a car and I can't do anything". I was amazed at such a lack of empathy. I had already paid, as I did for, but the attendant kept repeating the phrase: "Decolar didn't pay us anything". Honestly, they need to improve on a lot of things.
Lucia Plaza Olmos on Google

Es básicamente una estafa, contratamos con despegar para que nos alquilaran un automóvil. Cuando llegamos a Brasil, nos buscaron en otro modelo de automóvil, con más kilómetros de lo que esta permitido en cualquier automóvil, con una luz rota, sin aire acondicionado, nos querían hacer entregar a toda costa nuestra tarjeta de crédito para hacer pasar el pago, el seguro que habíamos contratado con despegar no era reconocido por esta "empresa" querían que contratamos otro seguro aparte en el que nos querían hacer pagar un monto que era absurdo en caso de cualquier problema con el automóvil. El lugar dónde tienen la oficina es inseguro y espantoso. En fin, no lo contraten.
It is basically a scam, we contracted to take off to rent us a car. When we arrived in Brazil, they looked for us in another car model, with more kilometers than is allowed in any car, with a broken light, without air conditioning, they wanted to make us give up our credit card at all costs to make the payment pass. The insurance that we had contracted with despegar was not recognized by this "company" they wanted us to take out another insurance apart in which they wanted us to pay an amount that was absurd in case of any problem with the car. The place where they have the office is unsafe and horrible. Anyway, don't hire him.
Beatriz Costa on Google

Compre pela Decolar para retirar um carro Compacto no aeroporto Santos Dumont. Para minha surpresa, não há loja física, ninguém sabia que empresa era essa e o telefone do site não atende. Até que arranjei um número de WhatsApp que me disse que eu teria que atravessar a praça escura e deserta em frente ao aeroporto (e eu com mala!) Para encontrar o rapaz com o carro. Chegando lá não era um carro Compacto e sim econômico. Classe inferior a que eu paguei. Quando eu reclamei disso o rapaz só falou: quer cancelar ? Eu levo o carro de volta. Pode ser, vamos cancelar ? Pq o carro só tem esse. 20h, num lugar deserto e eu tendo que entubar um carro mais barato do que eu paguei. Entubei, ne... Como ir para os compromissos sem carro ???!!!! Na entrega outros absurdos... Fiquei 40 min mofando esperando chegarem para buscar o carro porque a loja é em outro bairro... BEM distante do aeroporto. O contrato todo feito a mão, em branco (pasme... Tivesse que assinar folha de contrato em branco!). Simplesmente essa empresa conseguiu superar o atendimento ruim que a empresa Foco dá. O estresse e perigo a que fui submetida não compensa!!!! Fujam dessa loja. Fora que o carro era todo remendado de batidas e com 100mil km rodados!!!
Buy by Decolar to pick up a Compact car at Santos Dumont airport. To my surprise, there is no physical store, no one knew which company this was and the website's phone doesn't answer. Until I got a WhatsApp number that told me I would have to cross the dark and deserted square in front of the airport (and me with a suitcase!) To find the guy with the car. Arriving there was not a Compact car, but an economical one. Lower class than I paid. When I complained about it, the guy just said: do you want to cancel? I take the car back. Could it be, let's cancel? Because the car only has this one. 20h, in a deserted place and I had to intubate a car cheaper than what I paid for. Intubated, ne... How to go to appointments without a car ???!!!! In the delivery, other nonsense... I spent 40 minutes waiting for them to arrive to pick up the car because the store is in another neighborhood... FAR far from the airport. The whole contract is handmade, in white (amazing... I had to sign a blank contract sheet!). This company was simply able to overcome the poor service provided by the company Foco. The stress and danger I was subjected to is not worth it!!!! Run away from this store. Besides, the car was all patched up with crashes and with 100 thousand km covered!!!
Beatriz Souza on Google

HORRIVEL! A moça que nos atendeu de primeira era uma mal educada e desaforada. O carro caindo aos pedaços, imundo por fora! Perdi a paciencia com aquela senhora, perguntou mais de 3 vezes se era meu marido que iria dirigir o carro, como se estivesse mentindo. Por fim, só fiquei com o carro porque precisavamos, quando vocês fecharem pacotes pelo decolar, prestem atenção na locadora, não sei como podem deixar essa tal "empresa" no decolar, a moça que nos atendeu na volta (Alessandra) era simpatica e educada, diferente da primeira que não fiz nem questão de saber o nome.
HORRIBLE! The girl who attended us the first time was rude and impolite. The car falling apart, filthy on the outside! I lost patience with that lady, asked more than 3 times if my husband was going to drive the car, as if he were lying. Finally, I only kept the car because we needed to, when you close packages for take off, pay attention to the rental company, I don't know how you can leave this "company" on take off, the girl who attended us on the way back (Alessandra) was friendly and polite , different from the first one I didn't even want to know the name of.
Nacho Pereira Duarte on Google

Alquilé un Hyundai HB20 con aire acondicionado por 7 días con esta compañía a través de Despegar, con seguro todo riesgo premium de la aseguradora Rental Cover. El sábado 13 de Noviembre 2021 debían entregarme ese auto o uno similar en el aeropuerto de Río de Janeiro. Una empleada de la compañía nos pasó a buscar por el aeropuerto en un Chevrolet Onix base, muy mal cuidado, con el aire acondicionado roto, bastante sucio en su interior, la óptica trasera izquierda perforada y con 115.668 kilómetros recorridos. Al llegar a la oficina improvisada en un estacionamiento de la periferia de Río de Janeiro, la empleada nos confirmó que ése era el auto que nos iban a entregar y que el aire acondicionado no funcionaba. Ésta estaba nerviosa e insistente con que le entregara mi tarjeta de crédito para hacer una retención de US$159,30 por la franquicia del alquiler del auto (importe que ya me había informado Despegar). Le insistí en revisar juntos el auto y dejar documentado su real estado, para luego leer el contrato. Revisamos el auto y anotó en un plano genérico los faltantes y maltratos al vehículo. Respecto al contrato, ésta se excusaba en que necesitaba los datos de la tarjeta para poder confeccionarlo. Cuando realizó la retención en la tarjeta, pude ver el contrato de no más de una página (tamaño A4), donde en letra pequeña informaba que en caso de accidente, daño, rotura o robo del vehículo, yo debía abonar el equivalente al 20% del valor del vehículo como 0KM. Ante esta situación, me negué a firmar, ya que para eso estaba la aseguradora. Su respuesta fue que si algo sucedía, yo le pagara a Serve Sul Rent a Car y que después hiciera un reclamo a la aseguradora. Decidí no continuar con la operación ya que nada de lo contratado se estaba cumpliendo. A saber: El auto no estaba en condiciones legales para circular, por tener su óptica trasera izquierda dañada. El auto no tenía aire acondicionado funcionando. El auto tenía faltante de piezas exteriores y marcas de golpes en distintas partes de su carrocería. El auto estaba mecánicamente mal cuidado y no era confiable. El auto tenía 115.668 kilómetros recorridos, lo que para un auto de agencia de alquiler equivale a no poder seguirse comercializando. La agencia no reconocía el seguro contratado y pretendía que en caso de ocurrir algo, podía cobrar un importe mucho mayor al de la franquicia informada al momento de la contratación con Despegar. Dos semanas más tarde, aún sigo reclamando con Despegar para que me reintegren el 100% de lo abonado por incumplimiento del contrato por parte de la agencia de alquiler Serve Sul Rent a Car. No recomiendo esta compañía a nadie, son poco serios y sus autos están muy mal cuidados.
I rented a Hyundai HB20 with air conditioning for 7 days with this company through Despegar, with premium all-risk insurance from the Rental Cover insurer. On Saturday November 13, 2021 they had to give me that car or a similar one at the Rio de Janeiro airport. An employee of the company picked us up at the airport in a base Chevrolet Onix, very poorly maintained, with the air conditioning broken, quite dirty inside, the left rear optics perforated and with 115,668 kilometers traveled. Upon arriving at the makeshift office in a parking lot on the outskirts of Rio de Janeiro, the employee confirmed that this was the car they were going to deliver to us and that the air conditioning was not working. She was nervous and insistent that I give her my credit card to make a withholding of US $ 159.30 for the car rental excess (amount that Despegar had already informed me). I insisted on checking the car together and documenting its actual condition, and then reading the contract. We checked the car and noted the missing and mistreatment of the vehicle on a generic map. Regarding the contract, it excused itself in that it needed the card details to be able to draw it up. When he made the retention on the card, I could see the contract of no more than one page (A4 size), where in small print it reported that in case of accident, damage, breakage or theft of the vehicle, I had to pay the equivalent of 20% of the vehicle value as 0KM. Faced with this situation, I refused to sign, since that was what the insurance company was for. His response was that if something happened, I would pay Serve Sul Rent a Car and then make a claim to the insurance company. I decided not to continue with the operation since nothing of the contract was being fulfilled. Namely: The car was not in legal condition to drive, due to its damaged left rear optics. The car had no air conditioning working. The car had missing exterior parts and shock marks on different parts of its body. The car was mechanically poorly maintained and unreliable. The car had 115,668 kilometers traveled, which for a rental agency car is equivalent to not being able to continue marketing. The agency did not recognize the insurance contracted and claimed that if something happened, it could charge a much higher amount than the franchise reported at the time of contracting with Despegar. Two weeks later, I am still claiming with Despegar for a 100% refund of the amount paid for breach of the contract by the rental agency Serve Sul Rent a Car. I do not recommend this company to anyone, they are not serious and their cars are very poorly maintained.
Alejo Reginald Valverde Lyons on Google

I rented a “Gol” car at ServeSul and from the beginning things were not as I expected The office and car pick up are not at the airport as the rest, all other ones are here at the Galeao airport The come and pick you up and take you to their office, takes at least 15 minutes and the sorroundings are not very happy, specially with the lack of security in Rio It took one hour from the moment they picked us to the time we left When today we gave it in we were charged an extra R$40 for “car washing” when the car was perfectly clean Do not rent from them, go to the known brands, Localiza, Budget, Avis, Hertz, etc

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