Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz - Imperatriz - MA

4.3/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz

Address :

Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz - R. Coriolano Milhomem, 42 - Centro, Imperatriz - MA, 65900-330, Brazil

Phone : 📞 +998
Postal code : 65900-330
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Opening hours :
Tuesday Open 24 hours
Wednesday Open 24 hours
Thursday Open 24 hours
Friday Open 24 hours
Saturday Open 24 hours
Sunday Open 24 hours
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Categories :

Hospital Regional Materno Infantil De Imperatriz - R. Coriolano Milhomem, 42 - Centro, Imperatriz - MA, 65900-330, Brazil
Kássia Costa Soares on Google

Excelente hospital, ótimo atendimento a gestante e principalmente ao recém-nascido prematuro.
Excellent hospital, great care for pregnant women and especially for premature newborns.
Alan Óliver Araújo on Google

Hospital excelente atendimento, com profissionais bem preparados. Ótimo cuidado com os pacientes. Está de parabéns ?.
Hospital excellent service, with well prepared professionals. Great care for patients. Congratulations ?.
Elane Elane on Google

Profisionais muito bem capacitados para lidar com os pacientes...
Professionals very well trained to deal with patients ...
Mary Fausrino on Google

Atendimento nota 1000 otimos profissionais.. Doutora leandra um anjo de Deus. Que Deus abençõe sempre esses gurreiros.
Customer service note 1000 great professionals .. Doctor leandra an angel of God. May God always bless these hurricanes.
Taynara Luz on Google

Eu tenho um amor tão grande por esse hospital❤️❤️!!
I have such a great love for this hospital❤️❤️!!
Andreia Cruz on Google

Ótimo atendimento tive minha filha aí e amei tudo mas não foi feito o teste da orelhinha quero saber como fasso pra fazer pq na minha cidade não faz e minha filha tem três meses e o pediatra dela pediu o teste com urgência
Great care I had my daughter there and I loved everything but the ear test was not done I want to know how do I do it because in my city it doesn't do and my daughter is three months old and her pediatrician asked for the test urgently
Rafael ferreira ramos on Google

Otima estrutura
Great structure
Luis Rocha on Google

Ontem, 26/01/2022, as 16:28, meu filho nasceu nesse hospital. Eu como pai, teve uma boa experiência, pude acompanhar praticamente todo o processo da minha esposa, pude estar do lado dela ajudando e tranquilizando no momento das dores, apenas não estive com ela no momento do parto, por conta de q na sala haviam outras mães, e por óbvio, eu, como homem, não podia ficar com ela, mas minha cunhada a acompanhou na sala de parto. Apesar da minha experiência ter sido razoável, não fiquei muito contente por conta da forma como foi dado o atendimento a minha esposa e por conta da estrutura do hospital. No momento o hospital está em reforma, mas suas salar são escassas e muitas vezes as pacientes em trabalho de parto têm de se amontoar em salas pequenas ou até mesmo no corredor q liga as salas (felizmente não tivemos de passar por isso), mas creio q com a reforma isso venha a se resolver. Além disso, após o parto, minha esposa se queixou de alguns médicos (principalmente os mais velhos) q não tinham nem um cuidado a examiná-la, a machucando por diversas vezes e realizando o procedimento insistentemente (só lembrando q apenas alguns dos médicos fizeram isso, na maioria eram ótimos profissionais). Chegamos no hospital dia 25/01 as 16 horas, e ficamos aguardando o atendimento até as 22 horas, o atendimento foi muito demorado devido a falta de médicos q haviam trocado de turno, o médico q a examinou já às 22 horas notou 2 centímetros de dilatação e uma bolsa quase rompida, porém ele retrucou em interna-la ou amenis deixa-la em observação, dizendo q a norma do hospital é de internar apenas mulheres com 4 centímetros de dilatação, porém já era muito tarde, ela tinha sangramento e já sentia dores, porém ele não cedeu, voltamos pra casa e apenas chegamos já tivemos de voltar pouco tempo depois, as 2 horas da manhã retornamos, ela estava com fortes dores (apesar do médico ter dito q ela não teria problemas se voltasse pra casa) ao chegar, em pouco tempo fomos atendidos, mas lá estava o mesmo médico q ao notar apenas 3 centímetros, se recusou a interná-la novamente, passamos a madrugada andando ao redor do hospital com ela sentindo muita dor, apenas a 7 horas da manhã ela foi atendido e encaminhada pro hutrassom, e apenas as 10 horas ela foi internada, admito q já estava pronto pra sair no tapa com quem fosse, mas após isso, eu a acompanhei por quase todo o tempo, e pude à ajudar o máximo possível, graças a Deus deu tudo certo! Agradeço aos bons profissionais q nos ajudaram, mas uma pequena parte faz com q a maioria tenha uma mau imagem.
Yesterday, 26/01/2022, at 16:28, my son was born in this hospital. As a father, I had a good experience, I was able to follow practically the entire process of my wife, I could be by her side, helping and reassuring her at the time of pain, I just wasn't with her at the time of delivery, because there were other women in the room. mothers, and obviously I, as a man, couldn't stay with her, but my sister-in-law accompanied her to the delivery room. Although my experience was reasonable, I was not very happy with the way my wife was treated and with the structure of the hospital. At the moment the hospital is under renovation, but its rooms are scarce and patients in labor often have to cram into small rooms or even in the corridor that connects the rooms (fortunately we didn't have to go through that), but I believe that with the reform this will be resolved. In addition, after giving birth, my wife complained that some doctors (especially the older ones) weren't even careful to examine her, hurting her several times and insistently performing the procedure (just remembering that only some of the doctors did that, most of them were great professionals). We arrived at the hospital on 01/25 at 4 pm, and we were waiting for care until 10 pm, the service took a long time due to the lack of doctors who had changed shifts, the doctor who examined her at 10 pm noticed 2 centimeters of dilatation and an almost broken water, but he replied to admit her or leave her under observation, saying that the hospital's norm is to admit only women with 4 centimeters of dilatation, but it was too late, she had bleeding and was already in pain , but he did not give in, we went back home and as soon as we arrived we had to go back a short time later, at 2 am we returned, she was in severe pain (despite the fact that the doctor said that she would have no problems if she returned home) when she arrived , in a short time we were seen, but there was the same doctor who, when he noticed only 3 centimeters, refused to hospitalize her again, we spent the night walking around the hospital with her in a lot of pain, only at 7 o'clock in the morning she went answered she was sent to the hutrassom, and only at 10 o'clock she was hospitalized, I admit that I was ready to go out with anyone, but after that, I followed her for almost all the time, and I was able to help her as much as possible, thanks to God made it all right! I thank the good professionals who helped us, but a small part makes most people have a bad image.

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