Amarante Diagnósticos - Taboão da Serra - SP

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Contact Amarante Diagnósticos

Address :

Amarante Diagnósticos - R. Ernesto Capelari, 160 - Parque Santos Dumont, Taboão da Serra - SP, 06754-060, Brazil

Postal code : 06754-060
Categories :

Amarante Diagnósticos - R. Ernesto Capelari, 160 - Parque Santos Dumont, Taboão da Serra - SP, 06754-060, Brazil
Elienygata Souza on Google

lurdes costa on Google

Ainda esta sendo péssima minha experiência com o local Esse telefone ou fala que não existe e o outro número ninguém atende
My experience with the place is still being terrible That phone or speech that doesn't exist and the other number nobody answers
Roseli Fernandes on Google

Esse lugar fechou, faz meses que tento falar nos números de telefone e diz que esse telefone não existe. acho que esse estabelecimento FECHOU, caso contrário os donos teriam atualizado os números de telefones.
This place has closed, I have been trying to talk in the phone numbers for months and says that this phone does not exist. I think this establishment has CLOSED, otherwise the owners would have updated the phone numbers.
Dalane Alencar Nogueira on Google

O telefone só chama já faz uma semana. Preciso agendar o exame e nada. Será que a clinica fechou?
The phone has only been calling for a week. I need to schedule the exam and nothing. Did the clinic close?
Lilian Berdusco on Google

Péssimo lugar! Fui buscar o resultado do meu exame sábado, dia 02/09 . As portas estavam fechadas e haviam vários pacientes desorientados com consulta marcada, sem saber o que houve. Meu retorno com médico será amanhã e não tenho o exame que foi solicitado e fiz.
Bad place! I went to get the result of my exam on Saturday, 02/09. The doors were closed and several patients were disoriented with an appointment, not knowing what happened. My return with a doctor will be tomorrow and I don't have the exam that was requested and I did it.
Sheila Alcant on Google

Sinto muito por sua perda Leticia! Deveria o médico ter te informado pois gravidez ectopica é um risco para a gestante. Fui bem atendida lá espero que em caso de haver algo errado na hora do exame o médico fale imediatamente para a paciente ir ao hospital o quanto antes
I'm sorry for your loss Leticia! The doctor should have informed you because ectopic pregnancy is a risk for the pregnant woman. I was well attended there I hope that in case there is something wrong at the time of the exam, the doctor will immediately tell the patient to go to the hospital as soon as possible
Leticia Teixeira on Google

Boa tarde, gostaria de expor um fato que aconteceu comigo, no dia 15/7, no final do dia realizei um usg transvaginal devido a um pequeno sangramento que tive na semana, no Amarantes diagnosticos, onde o medico Amarante realizou minha usg que no pedido era de urgencia e me mandou voltar no sabado para pegar o resultado. O problema foi que o Dr. Amarante na usg viu que meu feto nao tinha bcf e que o mesmo estava localizado na trompa esquerda, mesmo com esse diagnostico nao me informou nada sobre o exame mesmo eu o tendo quenstionado afinal sou Enfermeira e por nao ter ouvido os bcf percebi que algo estava errado. No sabado dia 16 logo pela manha eu ja estava na clinica para pegar o resultado que nem estava pronto mesmo sendo o combinado eu retirar sabado cedo, logo abri o resultado e la estava o diagnostico: gravidez ectopica e material amorfo no utero. O que? Dois fetos? Mortos, sim mortos. Peguei o resultado e fui ate um PS de ginecologia, onde fizeram uma nova usg e descobriram que minha trompa havia rompido, passei por uma laparotomia aberta devido trompa rota e muito sangue na cavidade abdominal, entrei em choque hipovolemico durante a cirurgia, se o Dr. Amarante tivesse dado um pouquinho de atençao ao meu resultado na sexta feira e tivesse ao menos me falado da suspeita da hectopica eu ja teria ido na propria sexta feira pro PS e nao teria perdido minha trompa. Fica aqui minha decepçao com esse profissional que é capacitado para diagnosticar e deixou essa falha no meu caso. Dr. Amarante, honre o seu certificado e de mais atençao ao diagnosticos dos pacientes que procuram sua clinica. Aqui fica um pequeno depoimento de um ser humano que tem sentimentos.
Good afternoon, I would like to expose a fact that happened to me, on the 15/7, at the end of the day I performed a transvaginal usg due to a small bleeding that I had during the week, in Amarantes diagnosticos, where the doctor Amarante performed my usg that on request it was urgent and sent me back on Saturday to get the result. The problem was that Dr. Amarante at usg saw that my fetus did not have bcf and that it was located in the left horn, even with this diagnosis did not inform me about the exam even though I had it after all I am a nurse and not having heard the bcf realized something was wrong. On Saturday the 16th in the morning I was already in the clinic to get the result that was not ready even being the agreed I remove early Saturday, then opened the result and there was the diagnosis: ectopic pregnancy and amorphous material in the womb. What? Two fetuses? Dead, yes dead. I took the result and went to a gynecology PS, where they made a new usg and found that my tube had ruptured, I had an open laparotomy due to broken tube and a lot of blood in the abdominal cavity, I went into hypovolemic shock during surgery, if Dr Amarante had paid a little attention to my result on Friday and had at least told me about the suspicion of hectopica I would have gone to PS itself Friday and would not have lost my horn. Here is my disappointment with this professional who is able to diagnose and left this flaw in my case. Dr. Amarante, honor your certificate and pay more attention to the diagnoses of patients who come to your clinic. Here is a brief statement from a human being who has feelings.

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