Clínica Tojar - Jundiaí - SP

4.1/5 based on 8 reviews

Contact Clínica Tojar

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Clínica Tojar - R. Anchieta, 526 - Centro, Jundiaí - SP, 13201-804, Brazil

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Postal code : 13201-804
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Clínica Tojar - R. Anchieta, 526 - Centro, Jundiaí - SP, 13201-804, Brazil
Murilo Barbosa on Google

Tínhamos marcado uma consulta há duas semanas atrás, liguei para saber o tempo de tolerância e a atendente informou que a tolerância é de 10 minutos, como não chegaria há tempo, pedi para remarcar na data de hoje às 10h. Chegamos hoje na clínica e na recepção estava lotada, demorou para sermos atendido, abrimos a ficha, após a avaliação do grau na qual ela utiliza atualmente, foi solicitado uns exames, fomos direcionados para outro ambiente da clínica na qual ficamos esperando ser chamado, quando chegou um casal de paciente, que haviam chegado depois de nós e a funcionária que realiza os exames chamou o Sr. Carlos antes da minha mãe, fui e perguntei o porquê estava chamando o paciente, sendo que nós Estavamos aguardando antes dele, perguntei qual era o critério que era utilizado e fui informado que é de acordo com a agenda dos médicos e disse que o atendimento da minha mãe era o seguinte. Bem esperei foi realizado os exames e fomos para outro ambiente na qual o médico iria nos chamar, isso já passava das 11h30. Foi quando o Dr. Marcelo Oftalmo dono da clínica chamou esse paciente Sr. Carlos, percebi que eram amigos, se cumprimentam e o levou para a sua sala, deixando a porta aberta, começaram a conversar de faculdade, de vinhos, chamou inclusive sua esposa para entrar também no consultório e por lá ficaram mais de 40 minutos e as conversas eram de diversos assuntos, existiam a minha mãe uma senhora de 70 anos para passar com ele e mais um senhor e outra senhora que inclusive estava com o pé mobilizado e lá ficamos esperando o término do atendimento do Sr. Carlos, quando finalmente termino eu acompanhou o casal de amigos até a sala na qual aguardávamos, questionei sobre a demora de uma consulta na qual estava atendendo um amigo, falando de diversos assuntos que não era relacionado a uma consulta de oftalmo. Comentei que minha mãe estava em jejum, porquê havíamos aproveitado a viagem até Jundiaí para a realização de exames laboratoriais e que ela havia comido apenas 2 pacotinhos de bolacha e precidava almoçar e tomar seus medicamentos já que teve um infarto recentemente. Ele não gostou do meu questionamento, disse que realizaria a consulta mais que não iria tratar da cirurgia na qual precisa que é catarata, disse que sentiu ofedindo pela maneira como falei e que fazia uns 40 anos que não tinha visto o seu amigo Sr. Carlos, falei pra ele que o correto seria marcar um almoço com o seu amigo em um restaurante já que ali estavamos tratando de assuntos relacionados aos olhos e que era falta de respeito com os outros pacientes que o aguardava. Pois bem pediu desculpa, iria elaborar um relatório com o problema de catarata da minha mãe para que eu busca se outro profissional para realizar e que não se sentiria bem em dar continuidade com o tratamento da minha mãe e informou que iria providenciar algo para ela comer, disse que não precisava que após o seu atendimento eu a levaria para almoçar. Não recomendo a clínica pela demora no atendimento e por tudo descrito acima ...
We had scheduled an appointment two weeks ago, called to know the time of tolerance and the attendant said that the tolerance is 10 minutes, as it would not arrive for some time, I asked to reschedule today at 10am. We arrived today at the clinic and the reception was crowded, it took time to be taken care of, we opened the form, after evaluating the degree in which it currently uses, we were asked for some exams, we were directed to another environment of the clinic in which we were waiting to be called, when a couple of patients arrived, who had arrived after us and the examining employee called Mr. Carlos before my mother, I went and asked why he was calling the patient, and we were waiting before him, I asked him what it was the criterion that was used and I was informed that it is according to the doctors' schedule and said that my mother's care was as follows. Well I waited the tests were done and we went to another environment in which the doctor would call us, that was already past 11.30. That was when Dr. Marcelo Oftalmo, owner of the clinic, called this patient Mr. Carlos, I realized that they were friends, they greet each other and took him to his room, leaving the door open, began to talk about college, wine, even called his wife to enter also in the office and there were more than 40 minutes and the conversations were of various subjects, there were my mother a lady of 70 years to spend with him and another gentleman and another lady who even had his foot mobilized and there we waited for the end of Mr. Carlos's service, when I finally finished I accompanied the couple of friends to the room in which we waited, I questioned about the delay of an appointment in which I was attending a friend, talking about various subjects that were not related to an ophthalmologist's appointment. I commented that my mother was fasting because we had taken the trip to Jundiaí for laboratory tests and that she had eaten only 2 small packets of cookies and prevailed to eat lunch and to take her medicines since she had a heart attack recently. He did not like my questioning, said that he would make the appointment but he would not have surgery for cataracts, he said that he felt offended by the way I said it and that he had not seen his friend Carlos for 40 years. , I told him that it would be the right thing to arrange a lunch with his friend in a restaurant since we were dealing with matters related to the eyes and that it was disrespectful to the other patients who were waiting for him. Well apologized, I would draw up a report with my mother's cataract problem so that I would look for another professional to perform and would not feel good about continuing with my mother's treatment and informed me that she would arrange something for her to eat , said that she did not need to after her service I would take her to lunch. I do not recommend the clinic for the delay in care and for everything described above ...

Clínica com ótima estrutura, atendimento diferenciado, ambientes personalizados para aconchego dos clientes, processos internos pensando em sustentabilidade e gerenciamento dos recursos disponíveis. Dr. Marcelo Tojar, médico com brilho no olhar e gosta do que faz. Pra quem procura atendimento diferenciado, recomendo a clínica !
Clinic with great structure, differentiated service, personalized environments to comfort customers, internal processes thinking about sustainability and management of available resources. Dr. Marcelo Tojar, a doctor with a sparkle in his eyes and likes what he does. For those looking for differentiated service, I recommend the clinic!
Clayton Neves on Google

Estou em avaliação pois minha primeira consulta estava marcada para às 10, cheguei 9h40 e fui atendido no horário. Tive o diagnóstico e confiando em seu profissionalismo sigo os procedimentos. Vou reavaliar caso necessário após o retorno!
I am in evaluation because my first appointment was scheduled for 10 am, I arrived at 9:40 am and was attended on time. I had the diagnosis and trusting your professionalism I follow the procedures. I will reassess if necessary after returning!
Sueli Savio on Google

A consulta estava agendada para 8h. O médico chegou as 8h05, se fechou na sala sozinho. Depois de uma hora aguardando na porta do consultório, chamei uma funcionária e comecei a falar que era falta de respeito, que eu iria embora. Só então o médico abriu a porta me chamou com a explicação que nao sabia que tinha paciente. Sem contar que no início da consulta, ele estava sem máscara, realizou o primeiro exame e só no segundo ele foi colocar máscara e avental.(epi).
The appointment was scheduled for 8 am. The doctor arrived at 8:05, closed himself in the room. After an hour waiting at the office door, I called an employee and started saying it was a lack of respect, that I was leaving. Only then did the doctor open the door and call me with the explanation that I didn't know I had a patient. Not to mention that at the beginning of the consultation, he was without a mask, he underwent the first exam and only in the second he went to put on a mask and apron (epi).
Joy Malakian on Google

Nada para reclamar da primeira consulta, mas na segunda tinha horário marcado às 16h e cheguei 15h30 conforme pedido, 16h40 ainda não tinha sido atendida e me informaram que ainda haviam 3 pessoas na minha frente. Também houve pacientes que chegaram bem depois de mim e foram atendidos primeiro. Não entendi. Cobrar R$350 na consulta pra isso? Fui embora.
Nothing to complain about the first appointment, but on the second I had an appointment at 4:00 pm and I arrived at 3:30 pm as requested, 4:40 pm had not yet been answered and they informed me that there were still 3 people in front of me. There were also patients who arrived well after me and were seen first. I did not understand. Charge R $ 350 for the consultation? I left.
Hemilene Vicente on Google

Dr. Marcelo é uma pessoa incrível, nos atende com carinho, e muita competência! Equipamentos de primeira, atendimento rápido. Pequeno atraso, mais nada que possa ser relevado diante da prestatividade, desde a recepção ao atendimento clínico. Super recomendo.
Dr. Marcelo is an incredible person, he attends us with affection, and a lot of competence! First-rate equipment, fast service. Small delay, nothing more that can be revealed in the face of helpfulness, from reception to clinical care. I highly recommend it.
daniela nagi on Google

Excelente atendimento, a melhor da região na minha opinião!
Excellent service, the best in the area in my opinion!
Andrea Fabregues on Google

Adorei o dr Marcelo, além de competente, muuuuito atencioso!
I loved dr Marcelo, besides being competent, soooo attentive!

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